Tuesday 10 March 2020

Unitech professor says women enjoy privileges and opportunities as men

  Papua New Guinea University of Papua New Guinea senior lecturer Dr Racheal Orake sys in every society and community around the world, women folk have struggles yet they survived and thrived.

This was her opening remarks during a celebration marking the Women's International Day at the Taraka Campus on Sunday under this year’s theme “Equal For All”.

“Despite every struggle and suppression in the communities and societies, the women folk have survived and we must recognize them the endurance they encountered in their lives because of their gender.”

“Unlike today, most of our women folks were denied, ignored and suppressed due to differences in cultural settings but over time they have overcome these disadvantages,” she said. 
Professor Garry Sali cutting the cake

The Head of Communication and Development Department, Associate Professor Garry Sali said that unlike in the past where women’s rights have been suppressed and ignored, women today enjoy the privileges and opportunities as their male counterparts.

“We must understand that it’s the cultural perception and makeup of each society that has played an important role in the differentiation of social makeup of the societies.”

“The gender differentiation which denied the women folks their rights were the making of the type of culture that they lived in.”

Professor Sali said that this has now changed over the years and now women in PNG are well protected by the law where they are enjoying privileges as the males.

He pointed out that at the back of a successful man, there is a woman and women play an important role just as the man.

“The women must be recognized as equals in our society and also as important players in our nation building.”

“Together with women working with us side by side, we can build this young nation where gender equality and gender balance needs to be balance in all socio-economic and political domain of the country to develop positively,” said Professor Sali.

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