Saturday 7 March 2020

National Broadcasting Corporation is on life support

 The National Broadcasting Corporation is on life support needs immediate help to ensure it functions at an exceptional level.
Minister for Information and Communications Technology Timothy Masiu said this prior to NBC’s new board members took oath of office this morning.

“Let’s not deny this fact,” he said.

“Various organs of the NBC body are either failing or non-functioning and has been on decline for the past years.”

He challenged the new board chaired by Pius Tikili, business man behind the successful Mapai Transport to resuscitate the NBC.

They board has to watch over these three major projects during its three year term.

Mr Masiu noted staff realignment exercise, nationwide asset review and register and the analogue to digital TV migration project.

“I am certain that the incoming board will further deliberate on these and other past projects and initiatives,” he said.

He was a former NBC broadcaster and board member.

“Under my watch there will be clear demarcations of roles and responsibilities of a minister, board and management will be sustained,” Masiu said.

A point managing director Kora Nou also echoed.

“The demarcation are to be clear if we are to move NBC forward,” he said.

The board members are chairman Pius Tikili, his deputy Emil Tenoa and members Zinnia Dawidi a lawyer by profession and the only female, Pastor Babani Harry and Timothy Tala.

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