Thursday 17 September 2020

Prime Minister James Marape delivers his second Independence address



Patriotic Papua New Guineans defied the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions and turned up in hordes at the Independence Hill this morning in Port Moresby witnessing the 45th occasion of the flag raising ceremony commemorating Independence.


Prime Minister James Marape in his second Independence address wore a similar kind of knitted woolen pullover his shirt and tie like he did last year.

The pullover is in PNG signature colours- designs of the southern cross stars and bird of paradise were gallantly stood out in the early morning ceremony.

His 20 minutes address was about challenging citizens to do better for the country collaboratively, and he promised children of Papua New Guinea that his government would do better as far as development is concerned and that they live happily.

“That is why as Prime Minister I have commenced the work of restoring good governance, empowering our people, and shifting the balance back to national interest, rather than the interest of a small few,” he said.

Marape has acknowledged the first Prime Minister Michael Somare and his colleague politicians Sir Julius Chan who are both today celebrating Independence in Kavieng.

“We have the hindsight of the last 45 years to guide us into the next 45 years and I am confident the future is bright,” Marape said.


He was four years old in 1975 when he witnessed the flag being raised at remote Nomad, Western Province when his dad was a Seventh Day Adventist pastor there.

In a space of time, he was elected as the eight Prime Minister and privileged to be delivering a speech at Independence Hill.

He said nothing was impossible and appreciating that, people must be inspired to achieve things acknowledging God as the centre of delivering change.

“In our country, our God Yahweh has blessed us with agriculture, fisheries, forestry, water, cultures, biodiversity, minerals, oil and gas. This is why we can become the richest black Christian nation on earth, where no one person is left behind,” Marape said.

He reflected that this was the vision in 1975.

“But to get to our destination of a well developed nation, each of us must play a role.”

“All of us must commit to building a Papua New Guinea that future Papua New Guineans will be proud of,” he said.


He has appealed to young children like his daughter was dressed in the Huli attire and attended the ceremony  that they can contribute to the country’s future by being law abiding students who support their parents, maintaining faith on God and study hard so that they can make a difference to the future of Papua New Guinea.


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