Tuesday 8 September 2020

Papua New Guinea family paints Melbourne Storm in front of their canteen


The NRL games are played thousands of miles down under but for the mad Papua New Guinea fanatics, it’s religious. They are glued to their TV week in week out watching their teams compete.

 A family who owns this tucker shop at Garden Hills in Port Moresby has gone out their way, bought paints and beautified their shop with the Melbourne Storm colours. They are creating a Storm. Jack Talai says the whole family is Melbourne Storm when it comes to watching and barracking an NRL team and they decided to paint the canteen “Storm”. Well for two things, they are confident the Storm are winning the grand final and this is marketing when all Storm fans around the suburb will flock to their J Motz canteen. Hang out here when the Melbourne Storm are playing, rolling on tries or when Justin Olam is in action and the cheer goes off the roof. Good luck in 2020

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