Sunday 27 September 2020

Gaire's black beach: Your weekend getaway destination

 I have not been to the black beach at Gaire, east of Port Moresby until this weekend.

Just a 30 minutes slow drive.

What a surprise for me.

It's a soft tourism initiative that has actually become famous for city residents outings.

A swim at the black beach, a BBQ on the waterfront and under the shady coconut palm trees and enjoy care free drinks.

Fresh coconuts are also on sale and they are absolutely juicy going for K1.00 and larger ones K2.00.

When I was there, there were several cars and families having an outing.

Well each car that drives in pays K20.

Not a bad cost I'd say.

May be the owners can just set up a good men and women's rest room.

But for alcohol consumers, rest assured the Black Beach Tavern will serve you well.

Indeed the operator, says they have the cheapest price on alcohols.

An SP Green Can goes at K6.50 and a Kundu Can goes at K5.50.

Prices are below Port Moresby's tucker shops or black markets.

Sooner there will be bungalows and nice set up for the Black Beach Tavern so do check it out.

But take your family out there and unwind with a BBQ , swim and chats.

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