Saturday 8 June 2019

PNG government Cabinet sworn in

Prime Minister James Marape's Cabinet is being sworn at Government House Konedobu in Port Moresby.

The first MPs name among the list to enter the building and take oaths is Esa'ala MP Steven Davis.

Among new names are West New Britain Governor Susindran Muthuvel, Sinasina Yongomugl MP Kerenga Kua, Madang MP Bryan Kramer, Dr Lino Tom and Finchaffhern MP Renbo Paita.

The other is Maprik MP John Simon. 

There was a cheer from the people who were at Government House to witness the swearing in when Bryan Kramer's name was called.
Prime Minister James Marape leaves
 government house at Konedobu after ministers
 were sworn in

We should know full Cabinet line up in few hours.

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