Monday 13 December 2021

Many Asian and PNG businesses are non tax compliant- IRC Commissioner General


I'm seeing many people jumping on the bandwagon, asking why we are not going after foreign businesses, especially Asian-owned companies, for tax-related crimes.

Papua New Guineans seem to be picking the victim card here on the flawed assumption that PNG owned businesses are honest and tax compliant. However, the opposite is true.
This statistical bias is based on perception and not reality. Our statistics show that many PNG-owned businesses are dishonest and non-compliant, as many Asian owned businesses do. PNG and Asian owned Businesses also feature prominently in bribing our officers. I'm not going to mince words here.
Figuratively speaking, we see nationals and foreigners alike putting on a lot of weight out there, yet coming to the tax office and putting on sorry faces and claiming that they have been on a serious diet.
IRC has been a passive tax collector for far too long, waiting for taxpayers to do the right thing by voluntarily paying their fair share of taxes on time. However, that putative expectation has been exploited by dishonest business people. That will be the thing of the past soon.
Under the strong political will committed by the Marape/Basil Government, we are addressing these long outstanding and ignored matters.
We are auditing a good number of these entities, including more than 20 logging companies. These audits take a great deal of time and resources due to the intricacies of the financial transactions involved. Some of these transactions transcend through multiple jurisdictions. These entities did not start their operations in the last two years, let alone their impugned evasion. They have been around.
The last two years of my term in office were dedicated to addressing in-house issues, including realigning people, systems and processes. Covid has disrupted most of our efforts during the same period. Still, we managed to get some things done, aside from delivering on our core mandate of collecting revenue for the Government.
We will start prosecuting tax fraudsters next year. We have already profiled several cases for prosecution. We investigate crime, and crime leads us to the criminal. We don't find a criminal (e.g. Asian) and look for a crime.
The last time I checked, we were still a democratic country that encouraged free trade and commerce, allowing foreigners to come here and invest.
Both foreigners and local businesses use taxpayer-funded services such as roads, electricity, security, etc., to make their money. Therefore, there is a reciprocal obligation on them to pay their fair share of taxes towards the public good. But those who fail to do that will find themselves paying more.
So for those of you who are crying foul, report to us a crime, and we will take the lead. We have investigated the number of cases referred to us by a few individuals.
We don't have the time and resources to go on a wild goose chase, so don't fill us with all your conjectures.
I hope this offers some clarity and comfort.

A rubber farmer could earn as much as K167,400 per year


The Rubber Board of PNG led by second-term Chairperson, Ms. Josephine Kenni is in Angoram today to officially launch a new rubber nursery, announce price support, and oversee opportunity to revive the defunct Gavien rubber factory – among others.

The visit is in line with the Marape-Basil Government in reviving the rubber industry in the country and unlocking the potential of rubber elasticity as an economy driver in PNG.

Previously, for nearly two decades, the PNG Rubber Board was thrown into disarray and remained defunct due to lengthy court battles over positions until recently.

A new board was sworn in on July 2, 2020 comprising Ms. Kenni herself as Chairperson who was reappointed for the second term, Stephen Mombi, Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL) Deputy Secretary for Technical Services as ex officio member (Mr. Mombi is now acting DAL Secretary), SME and exporter entrepreneur’s representative, Kone Burana as smallholder and public sector representative, Lawrence Miai as the Rubber Association representative and Lee Wari as coordinator for the DAL.

Ms. Kenni is accompanied by a government technical team comprising officers from the Rubber Board itself, Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL), Department of National Planning and Implementation (DNPI), a journalist and others.

A rubber trees produce around 279 kilograms of latex per year so if a farmer owns 500 rubber trees and selling his cup lumps at K1.20 per kg, s/he could earn as much as K167,400 per year and that’s a lot of money for a simple villager.

At mid-stream processing level (TSR factory), a farmer could earn as much as K418,500 per year – making rubber a potential billion kina revenue earner for the national coffers untapped.

Sunday 12 December 2021

Pioneer Grade 12 from Oksapmin finishes among top 10 as Glenda Giles retires

Remote Oksapmin Secondary School in the highlands of West Sepik finished sixth in the final rankings of grade 12 performance in the country.

This feat has received overwhelming commendations from people around the country.

Only for the first time, it led the provinces top and consistent performing school, a Catholic run St. Ignatius Secondary School who finished seventh on its overall rankings.

St Ignatius had its first grade 12 pass out in 1998 and in the last decade it has been among the top ten performing secondary schools in the country.

While Oksapmin celebrates the great achievement in its cold valley, there is also an emotional feeling of losing someone special who is acknowledged as the mentor and chief architect behind Oksapmin's consistent impressive performance in academic achievements.

Missionary volunteer Glenda Giles will be going finish, retiring to her home country in New Zealand.

She first arrived in the country in 1967 as a member of the Christian Mission in Many Lands missionaries.

Glenda has spent many years working with schools in Southern Highlands and West Sepik teaching, translating languages, being a headmistress, a school inspector and mentoring staff in the areas of school curriculum materials development, administration and mission work.

Few of her work are published in the Bilum Books publication- some work she collaborated with Ray O'Farrell to develop the content.

Oksapmin has been achieving high MRI for its Grade 10 results within the last decade and it was not surprising it did well too with its pioneer Grade 12.

As we celebrate the high academic achievements for Oksapmin, we also acknowledge the mentorship and input from Glenda Giles and wish her well in her retirement.

A selfless woman who loved PNG with all her heart.

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Pioneer missionary to Nuku's Sibilanga in West Sepik passes on

 “It is with great sadness that we record the passing into the presence of his Father our loved and honoured brother and fellow mission partner, Max Tuck on the morning of 14th November 2021. Max served in Papua New Guinea from 1958-1976 and Max and Heather revisited regularly subsequently with their last visit to Sibilanga in 2016 when Max was 84 years old.

Max and Heather were married at Lumi by Kay Liddle on 25 March 1959. Ivor Pethybridge was his best man and Hope Dobbie was Heather’s matron of honour. Max and Heather’s three sons, Deane, Richard and Marcus were all born in PNG.  Together Max and Heather pioneered the opening up of Sibilanga in the following years, and were instrumental in developing Yimbrasi as a Christian Community Adult  Education Centre, now being used by Nuku Training College. Max also served on the CMML “committee” for a number of years.  Their influence and ministry was greatly appreciated by fellow-missionaries and by many Christians and village folk in the Palei-Maimai area of West Sepik Province.


After retiring from PNG in 1976, Max and Heather served the Lord Jesus in Christian ministry in both local pastoral ministry and in Bible College lecturing in New Zealand, Tasmania, Singapore and the USA.


We are so grateful to God for the service, fellowship and partnership of Max and Heather over many years. [Drafted by Ossie Fountain]

Max and Heather were married at Lumi by Kay Liddle on 25 March 1959. Ivor Pethybridge was his best man and Hope Dobbie was Heather’s matron of honour. Max and Heather’s three sons, Deane, Richard and Marcus were all born in PNG.  Together Max and Heather pioneered the opening up of Sibilanga in the following years, and were instrumental in developing Yimbrasi as a Christian Community Adult  Education Centre, now being used by Nuku Training College. Max also served on the CMML “committee” for a number of years.  Their influence and ministry was greatly appreciated by fellow-missionaries and by many Christians and village folk in the Palei-Maimai area of West Sepik Province.


After retiring from PNG in 1976, Max and Heather served the Lord Jesus in Christian ministry in both local pastoral ministry and in Bible College lecturing in New Zealand, Tasmania, Singapore and the USA.


We are so grateful to God for the service, fellowship and partnership of Max and Heather over many years. [Drafted by Ossie Fountain]





TUCK, Maxwell Henry (Max). Born October 10, 1932. Passed away on November 14, 2021. Cherished husband of Heather for 62 years, very much loved father and father-in-law of Deane and Janet, Ricky and Mary, Marcus and Kathryn. Adored Grandpa Max of Lawrence, Ashleigh, Jeffrey and Anna, Dannelle and James, Stephen and Michelle, Karrie-Ann, Chontelle and Matt, Caleb and Nerissa. Great granddad to Harvey, Kyah, Ardie, Huxley, Ava, Millah, Ryker (deceased), and Lexon. And BuBu to many in PNG. And loved by many in New Zealand and beyond. Due to the current situation a private service for immediate family was held on 18 November 2021 in Auckland. A memorial service to commemorate Max's life will be held in Tauranga in the new year, date to be advised. Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord”



Monday 6 December 2021

Deloitte to review public services payroll system


Chairman of the Special Parliamentary Committee on Public Sector Reform and Service Delivery (SPCPSR&SD) is very pleased today to witness the execution of a long overdue review of the integrity of the Public Services payroll system.

 “Over many years the country, the taxpayers, many governments and many public servants themselves have been voicing strong opinions on the integrity of the Public Service Payroll. As recent as last week in the Budget 2022 sessions the matter was raised as a national concern,” Juffa said.

“This issue was raised with me late last year as Chairman of the reconstituted SPCPSR&SD. We as a Committee have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to activate momentum to secure an independent status update by an independent internationally recognized firm” 

International firm, Deloitte through public tender, has been awarded the contract which is being signed today. 

The Department of Personnel Management will be the lead government agent to facilitate Deloitte. However, the Special Parliamentary Committee will be ensuring through its  sub- committee that there exists accountability by all parties that the milestones and independence of the Review are achieved. 

“It has to be independent to tell us exactly what is actually going on,” Mr Juffa said.

The Review will run over a 6-month period. It will cover the effectiveness of the Public Service current payroll system and its Human Resource Framework and recommend corrective action.

It is believed that the actioning of the recommendations of this Review will be a solid basis to modernize the public service payroll system and save substantial amounts of money. 

“About 130,000 public servants will be paid more than K6 Billion in the 2022 Budget- many have asked the question- For what? Why is that for every year for the last 10 years we have hundreds of Millions in Kina overruns in public service salaries and emoluments? 

Either someone cannot draft budgets or someone is just adding people onto the public payroll at will or ghosts have appeared through ghost holes. Either way- it has to stop”, Mr Juffa said.

Avoid queues pay your Air Niugini ticket online

Air Niugini has announced toe customers that the online payment facility for tickets purchased via the Air Niugini website has now been fully restored. 

Tickets and services can be paid online using your Visa, Mastercard and American Express cards.

Air Niugini apologises for any inconvenience over the recent period whilst the online payment gateway was unavailable.

Thank you Air Niugini, it had been a very user friendly system for me.

I could get a ticket late at evening and fly the next day with E-ticket emailed direct to me.

Happy Christmas Air Niugini

Solomon Islands Prime Minister survives vote of no confidence


I have been following this since the morning.

I had to leave the Parliament session but here is the latest from ABC.


The Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has survived a no-confidence vote in Parliament, triggered by recent civil unrest.

Anti-government protests last month set fire to buildings and looted stores in the capital.

Around 200 troops and police from Australia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and New Zealand are helping keep the peace at the request of the Solomon Islands government.

Opposition leader Matthew Wale told Parliament he brought the motion of no-confidence against Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare because he had repeatedly lied to the people and used Chinese money to cling to power.

Wale described a nation plagued by unemployment, exploited resources and "looting at the top."

But in a fiery 90-minute response, Sogavare said he'd done nothing wrong and would not bow down to "the forces of evil" or to "Taiwan's agents." At one point he picked up his chair and banged it on the Parliament floor to emphasize a point.

"If I resign, sir, it would be a message to our young children and youth, Mr. Speaker, that whenever we are not happy with those in authority, we take the laws into our own hands," Sogavare said.

The motion was defeated on Monday afternoon following a lengthy debate in Parliament.

15 voting in favour, 32 against the no-confidence motion, with two abstentions.


Criteria for pap smear