Tuesday 19 January 2021

Change of guard at the Ministry of Defence


Member for Telefomin Solan Mirisim today assumed the role as Minister for Defence replacing Member for Okapa Saki Soloma.

In the recent reshuffle by Prime Minister James Marape, Soloma heads the Ministry of Rural Development and Energy.

It was a beautiful parade displayed this morning by the PNGDF personnel at Murray Barracks headquarters to farewell and welcome the ministers.

PNGDF parade personnel


Mirisim previously served as the Defence Minister so it was not a new ministry to head except that the ministry has other government heads of Fire Services, National Volunteer Services and National Disaster Office now under the ministry.

“It is fitting for someone who is a former minister knows the challenges to progress it,” Soloma said.

PNGDF Commander Brigadier Gilbert Toropo after the parade also shared similar sentiments.

He said if anyone is able to manage the Defence organization with the other line agencies, they should be able to do well in other ministries.

Soloma took over the ministry in May 2019 and he carried on from what Mirisim had left off.

Some of the defence strategic policy developments they have progressed are the Manus naval base re-development.

Soloma said the project is in two parts and the first is to do with the support facilities for the new Guardian Class Patrol Boats that are being gifted to PNGDF by the Australian Government.

This basically is to upgrade the current facilities so that it can support the four new Guardian Class Patrol Boats which are bigger than the current Pacific Class Patrol Boats.

The second part he says is a project with the US is still in the concept phase where studies are being conducted to see if it is feasible before any announcement can be made for any US support.

He said the PNGDF was also able to deploy Kumul17 Force Element personnel to Australia to help with relief efforts.

The other operations they did was supporting operations of Covid-19 where their health personnel were deployed with operational troops along the international land border making sure movement between PNG and Indonesia were monitored, controlled and action taken where needed.

Commander Gilbert Toropo gifts a sand painting to Saki Soloma

Soloma also noted security operations in the highlands and national building and civic work projects.


Mirisim said he knows well that 2022 is election year and he has limited time to introduce new policy initiatives.

“My intention is to ensure outstanding priorities and government directives to the defence organization is completely implemented,” he said.

He has commended Soloma for restructure of the Department of Defence and the Department of Personnel Management has approved and they have completed the corporate plan for 2020 to 2030.

Mirisim said the current legislation requires the government to seek parliamentary approval for any international engagement as in the case of assisting the Australians devastated by bush fire.

“During emergency, recalling of Parliament is not feasible. Therefore the International Obligations Act, 2010 is amended to allow government to send troops through an NEC approval,” he said.

Mirisim said today there will be no general enlistment in the PNGDF.

“This will allow PNGDF to take stock of its resources including infrastructure  and the future PNGDF organization structure.”

“PNG Defence Organisation will now work with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Science and Technology to ensure all future general enlistments are done through school leaver forms and directly from our educational institutions.”

Minister Mirisim concluded in saying the governments policy intention is to see the PNG Defence Organisation maximise its value using its dead assets to raise additional income to fund its shortfalls in the budget.

“The Commercial Support Program was created to transit to the Defence Commercial Company consistent with NEC decision number NG:71/2012.

“ Currently CSP has been in operation for over a decade. It is clearly my intention to ensure CSP migrates to a commercial company which is able to have a balance sheet and conduct itself in the global business environment,” Mirisim said.


Tuesday 12 January 2021

I'm a Jive Market Agent

Happy  New Year 2021

What's happening with your life and plans for 2021.

Today I am officially unemployed after 22 months at Post Courier as Digital Editor.

I have decided to create myself a job and keeping busy so I have registered as a Jive Market Agent. 

What's good here I am still employed. 

Jive Market pays a 4 per cent commission for EasyPay sales and 5 per cent commission for the mobile phone credit sales.

If you need power reach out to me on Facebook or 71853522

Thank you

Sunday 25 October 2020

Statement by Police Minister Bryan Kramer- Police to get better salaries, housing and medical insurance


On Thursday I will travel to Lae with Commissioner for Police David Manning and Assistant Commissioner for Police Anthony Wagambie Jnr.
During the trip, we will announce the Marape Government's plan to comprehensively re-fleet the Police Force. This is an important part of our reform program, which also includes improved command and control and increased discipline. We are also improving police welfare by improving the wages, housing and medical insurance of its 7,300 members.
Two weeks ago, we launched the country's first Station of Excellence in Port Moresby. The project involved the renovation and fit out of the Waigani Police Station, complete with modern facilities, CCTV cameras, improved ICT and five brand new vehicles as part of sector patrol. I will discuss this further in a forthcoming post.
The re-fleet program commenced with the Station of Excellence. We purchased five Nissan Patrol vehicles fully kitted out with the latest Motorola communications, GPS tracking and dash cam (video) systems. The dash cams provide real time monitoring and tracking as well as video streaming both inside and outside the vehicle - where footage is uploaded and stored onto the Station's computer server.
The second phase includes the delivery of twelve new Nissan Patrols to Madang District. 

These were purchased in partnership with the Madang District Development Authority and the RPNGC in a kina-for-kina program. The total cost of the twelve vehicles was K2.04 million, with the Madang DDA contributing K1 million.
The decision to purchase Nissan Patrols instead of the traditional Toyota Landcruiser was cost – we were able to purchase twelve vehicles instead of ten. The additional two vehicles will make a significant impact on policing operations.
The second issue was safety. The Patrols have a wider base and are built lower to the ground, reducing the risk of rolling.
The twelve vehicles for Madang District will be deployed in both rural and urban Madang, and will be operational 24/7.
Four vehicles will be tasked to patrol Transgogol Rural LLG; two to South Ambenob rural LLG; two to North Ambenob Rural LLG; and four vehicles will patrol Madang Urban.
Their first assignment will be to replace the twelve vehicles currently on hire in Madang District. This will give us considerable cost savings that can be put towards improving our members welfare.
Operation Make Madang Safe Again is in the first week of its third month. We have made major improvements in law and order in the tourist town that was recently branded the “murder capital of PNG.”
Police have overseen the surrender of 500 suspects involved in homebrew and drugs, 30 of which were directly involved in recent cult killings including the beheading of teacher in 2018.
The last of the phase of the operation will move through Madang Urban, sweeping through settlements to flush out known criminals before effecting a number of court ordered evictions.
Picture of twelve new police vehicles parked outside the Lae Metro Police Station waiting to be mobilized to Madang by road

You can make more than K1,500 a fortnight selling watermelon at Gordon's Market

I have loved marketing at Gordon's Market since the renovations.

My favourite food to look out for a ripe bananas, cucumber and water melon.

Something that has also amazed me as well is the massive money that is in agriculture or farming.

Look at this beautiful watermelons and their prices.

On a daily basis this farmer is making K200 and more a day, that is more than K1,500 a fortnight.

Below are some general pictures of the market. If you are in Port Moresby make sure you visit and get yourself some fresh organic food.

Remember to eat healthy to stay healthy and to live long.

We got these food here.

Tuesday 20 October 2020

West Sepik people "call out for action"


People of West Sepik based in Port Moresby have delivered a petition as a “call out for action” to Governor Tony Wouwou in Port Moresby last Friday.

Civil Engineer from Yankok LLG Benedict Talis took the mandate and was direct to Wouwou presenting the nine points.


The call out points were about justice, compensation, law and order and economic and development issues.

On October 5th, a hold up took place near the border of East and West Sepik at Wamarau and Monandin villages which resulted in the death of two young men, Gideon Yuni and Jasah Wani who are from Yankok LLG.

They were described to be victims of a felonious assault of armed robbery by 16 members of a gang.

The unknown assailants shot both men at point blank on the head and other passengers were held up and all their valuables which include money, mobile phones, bank cards and cash crops were taken.

Such was never experienced before.

Early this year, a young man from Aitape, late Junior Miroi was shot dead at Magopin area along the Wewak west coast.

Mr Talis has expressed concern that there is liklihood of increase in crime as business activities pick up due to the European Union’s STREIT Program developing cocoa-people and the government must be prepared.

Supported by former Aitape Lumi MP’s Paul Mambei, Eddie Saweni, former public servant Benjamin Metio and many others- West Sepik leaders have been challenged to unite and address law and order and infrastructure development issues that people believe would alleviate unprecedented crime incidents.


Radio Maria Catholic Priest from Nuku, Fr Martin We’en has called for leaders in the province to unite and deliver services to people.

There was disappointment expressed that during the meet open MP’s were absent though they were invited.

Mr Talis has also expressed concern the public services administration in Vanimo needs a shake up if people in Sandaun were to realise good road network and proper wharves in Aitape and Vanimo among many other development aspirations.

Governor Wouwou has acknowledged the points and said he was already discussing with Prime Minister James Marape and he would also discuss with police minister about law and order issues.

He assured the people that a shake up of the provincial administration was imminent.

Sunday 18 October 2020

Old Aged and Disabled Pensioners receive pensions in New Ireland

 Old Aged and Disabled Pensioners from the Nimamar LLG on Lihir Island became the second lot of Old Aged and Disabled Pensioners to receive their K500 pensions electronically after the Kavieng LLG. The official launching took place on the Friday  16th October at the Londovit Town oval.

Although the sun was blazing hot there was a huge turn out by the locals and public who wanted to hear and witness the proceedings of the day which was also colored by the beautiful choirs from children and  churches, traditional sing-sings and dances.

Dignitaries included New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan, Provincial Administrator Lamiller Pawut, CEO and Directors from the New Ireland administration, Provincial Executive Council Reps, Lihir Bank South Pacific branch manager Johnson Tetaga, Representatives of landowner Company Anitua, the Local Level Government and local community leaders.

A total of 407 Pensioners received direct deposits into their accounts on Friday , while payments for the remaining 760 will be done manually starting Saturday onwards due to the unavailability of bank accounts.

In total K583,500 will have been disbursed once all Pensioners receive their dues.

Lihir Bank South Pacific Manager Tetaga urged the Pensioners to ensure their bank accounts remained active by making at least two to three  or as many transactions as possible.

Ward Development Grants to the tune of K1,185,000 was also allocated for the Nimamar LLG along with other Government subsidy policies including school food rations, Beautification Awards, roof over heads, lighting New Ireland, Bicycle and Wheelbarrow subsidies. In total K2,564,193 has been invested back into the LLG.

6 major clan rep and executive Director of the Anitua Group of companies Patrick Lambongis urged the Provincial Government to partner with them where contracts at the ward level where concerned, “ Anitua can do the job for you at a very competitive price, public monies will not have to be used up on administrative costs as has been the case in the past because we will save you that cost,” said Director Patrick  Labongis.

Governor Sir Julius Chan conveyed a forward looking message to the Lihirians, that although they were endowed with the riches of the Lihir Gold Mine there would come a day when all of it would be no more and they would need the help of other parts of  New Ireland. “ This is why while my Government advocates on being Autonomous and standing on our own two feet we must also share our wealth with other Provinces because one day we will need them too. We are also aggressively pushing at the National level to amend the mining act so the Landowners, LLG's, Provincial  Government’s and National Government can have greater benefit sharing from the minerals that rightfully  belong to us,” said Sir J.

Sir J while thanking the people of Lihir for their contribution to the Province said what they give is returned just like  boomerang aid because of the Provincial Government’s subsidy programs and policies.

After the event Sir J did not rest, he spent time in private meetings with the people of Lihir listening to their concerns whilst advising and consoling them as any great leader with the heart for the people would. A group of young  Athletes from the Lihir Athletics Club also caught Sir J amidst his busy schedule asking for a photo opportunity after they had scooped 7 medals during the recent NGI regional Athletics Competition in August. While congratulating them Sir J imparted a very important life principle to the youth, “ Nothing comes from Nothing, if you want to make it in life you  must work hard,” a piece of advice taken to heart by the Athletes as they left Sir J to  continue his meetings.

Sir J and his delegation left Lihir on Saturday while the rest of the delegation heads back to Kavieng Sir J will continue to his home at Huris, in the Matalai LLG of the Namatanai District.

-Press Release



Sunday 11 October 2020

Kwikila market: Where your kina buys more

 If there is a market place I think you can fill up your car with K100 spending, it would be Kwikila market.

Along the Magi Highway, and about two hours slow drive east from Port Moresby, I highly recommend anyone in Port Moresby who can drive over to do so may be fortnightly to stock up organic vegetables for your family for a fortnight.

Unbelieve to me it was.

If you buy a bunch of banana at Gordons Market for K5, you can buy similar one at Kwikila for K1 or others K0.50.

A whole banana can cost K5.

Aibika costs 0.50toea, huge pile of kaukau at K5.00, the same for yam and many other vegetables.

Fruits like cucumber, pineapple and water melon are in abundance and sell at a very low price.

So take a drive there and stock up.

Aside from the market shopping, you enjoy a scenic drive through the sealed Magi Highway and appreciate Central Province's country side and it's serenity.

Sure on the way you can enjoy some fresh coconut juice, or buy some wild fowl eggs costing K5.00 each.

Let's help our local subsistence farmers in Rigo, drop by at Kwiks Market if you have a wheels to get by.

See you there. 

Criteria for pap smear