Sunday 11 October 2020

Kwikila market: Where your kina buys more

 If there is a market place I think you can fill up your car with K100 spending, it would be Kwikila market.

Along the Magi Highway, and about two hours slow drive east from Port Moresby, I highly recommend anyone in Port Moresby who can drive over to do so may be fortnightly to stock up organic vegetables for your family for a fortnight.

Unbelieve to me it was.

If you buy a bunch of banana at Gordons Market for K5, you can buy similar one at Kwikila for K1 or others K0.50.

A whole banana can cost K5.

Aibika costs 0.50toea, huge pile of kaukau at K5.00, the same for yam and many other vegetables.

Fruits like cucumber, pineapple and water melon are in abundance and sell at a very low price.

So take a drive there and stock up.

Aside from the market shopping, you enjoy a scenic drive through the sealed Magi Highway and appreciate Central Province's country side and it's serenity.

Sure on the way you can enjoy some fresh coconut juice, or buy some wild fowl eggs costing K5.00 each.

Let's help our local subsistence farmers in Rigo, drop by at Kwiks Market if you have a wheels to get by.

See you there. 

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