Tuesday 20 October 2020

West Sepik people "call out for action"


People of West Sepik based in Port Moresby have delivered a petition as a “call out for action” to Governor Tony Wouwou in Port Moresby last Friday.

Civil Engineer from Yankok LLG Benedict Talis took the mandate and was direct to Wouwou presenting the nine points.


The call out points were about justice, compensation, law and order and economic and development issues.

On October 5th, a hold up took place near the border of East and West Sepik at Wamarau and Monandin villages which resulted in the death of two young men, Gideon Yuni and Jasah Wani who are from Yankok LLG.

They were described to be victims of a felonious assault of armed robbery by 16 members of a gang.

The unknown assailants shot both men at point blank on the head and other passengers were held up and all their valuables which include money, mobile phones, bank cards and cash crops were taken.

Such was never experienced before.

Early this year, a young man from Aitape, late Junior Miroi was shot dead at Magopin area along the Wewak west coast.

Mr Talis has expressed concern that there is liklihood of increase in crime as business activities pick up due to the European Union’s STREIT Program developing cocoa-people and the government must be prepared.

Supported by former Aitape Lumi MP’s Paul Mambei, Eddie Saweni, former public servant Benjamin Metio and many others- West Sepik leaders have been challenged to unite and address law and order and infrastructure development issues that people believe would alleviate unprecedented crime incidents.


Radio Maria Catholic Priest from Nuku, Fr Martin We’en has called for leaders in the province to unite and deliver services to people.

There was disappointment expressed that during the meet open MP’s were absent though they were invited.

Mr Talis has also expressed concern the public services administration in Vanimo needs a shake up if people in Sandaun were to realise good road network and proper wharves in Aitape and Vanimo among many other development aspirations.

Governor Wouwou has acknowledged the points and said he was already discussing with Prime Minister James Marape and he would also discuss with police minister about law and order issues.

He assured the people that a shake up of the provincial administration was imminent.

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