Saturday 1 June 2024

Magazine content development (photography, articles, design and printing)

 If you're after a cost saving approach but high quality output in content design, look no further than a team of experienced media personnel at Frontier Media Productions Limited.

We can assist develop a magazine or newspaper product for you.

We have a team comprising photographers, journalists, layout and design personnel (graphic artists) and printing partners.

Our company is registered with the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) and we have an operating bank account.


Missionary Aviation Fellowship adds a fleet to land on water in PNG

 Thank you MAF.

They have added a fleet to their aeroplanes, this plane that can land on water.

The Sepik region certainly needs this service.

The Samaritan Aviation has been the one to go in emergencies, disaster and helping river communities reach your destinations comfortably.

But this one is for Western Province.

MAF says after almost six hours of total flight time from Mareeba, Australia, to PNG via Horn Island and Daru, MAF’s new floatplane P2-WET touched down on Lake Murray at 2pm yesterday.

It was welcomed with great cheers by the onlooking community. After some manoeuvres on the lake, the plane rested overnight at Kiunga.
MAF’s amphibious project has been supported by PNG SDP and we are looking forward to utilise this aircraft together to bring help, hope and healing to many various lake and riverside communities in the near future.

Farewell a voice that has faded

 The National Broadcasting Corporation newsroom has lost a voice for radio and television.

The late Lisa Pagelio was the head of news and current affairs who passed away after a short illness.

She started working with the NBC after graduating from the University of Papua New Guinea in 1995.

Ms Pagelio held the position of Chief Sub Editor and twelve months ago was promoted to be the executive director news and current affairs.

She was one of those pioneer TV news presenters for the Kundu 2 Television and now NBC Television.

Staff praised Lisa as an all rounder who even assumes journalism roles in working on news and presenting despite being at the top level management.

Chief National Editor Radio Maivo Lafanama said: "Blown away with the May wind, A beautiful voice wrapped in a special package! Death is a thief, now I understand why!

💔A loss so devastating, For I am only human to question."

MRDC and Twinza Oil to partner and develop Pasca A gas project

 Two important agreements between the Mineral Resource Development Corporation and Twinza Oil Limited for the Pasca A project have been signed and sealed in Port Moresby mid this week.

Under the agreements, MRDC will acquire 50 per cent Participating Interest in Twinza’s Pasca A project.

The agreement will also bind MRDC and Twinza to cooperate in the acquisition and development of future oil and gas opportunities in PNG. 

The Pasca A Development project is a large FEED ready offshore project in the Gulf of Papua.

Twinza Oil Limited,100% owner of the project applied for the Petroleum Development License in June 2015 and has complied with all government requests and has been steadily advancing the project while negotiating the Gas Agreement since 2020.

The project is expected to contribute over K30 billion to PNG’s economy and K15 billion revenue to the country over its life-span.

This week, Twinza signed agreements with MRDC to acquire 50% Participating Interest in the project.

MRDC Managing Director, Augustine Mano says this significant transaction represents another milestone in MRDC’s evolution towards a more engaged and active asset owner and manager for PNG.

According to Twinza Executive Chairman, Stephen Quantrill, Twinza is pleased with the execution of the agreements and looks forward to collaborating with MRDC in the development of oil and gas assets in the country.

Petroleum Minister Jimmy Malaina says PNG doesn’t have time to sit on this project, hence must get it off the ground as soon as possible.

Pasca A, when operational will generate around 500 permanent jobs and sufficient US Dollars for Foreign currency into the economy.

Twinza stands ready to proceed with the project as soon as the Gas Agreement is executed and Petroleum Development License is awarded.

Garage Sale in Kokopo

 If you're in Kokopo today.

You got something to look out for.

Kokopo Market Garage Sale 🌺
We are having a Garage Sale at the Kokopo Market Car Park right now for those in kokopo. We cleaned out our store room so there’s heaps to go:

🌸 Offcuts - K5 bags
🌸 Plain fabric rayon and cotton from K20 to K10 for 2yards
🌸 Pot plants and table decorations
🌸 White Theresa fabric from K40 to K20
🌸 Factory damaged kolos at K30
🌸 Earrings and accessories at K2
Everything must go!!

Do not miss this garage sale! 🌸😇
Help us SHARE to hauslain in East New Britain 😇

Okapa Open seat election challenge ends

It was a jubilant moment for the supporters of Okapa Open MP Saki Soloma.

They hoisted lawyer Charles Mende as they left the Waigani Supreme Court.

Justice Derick Hartshorn sitting as a single judge at the Supreme Court dismissed the election  challenge for Okapa Open in the Eastern Highlands.

Petitioner Simeon Kibeto has filed leave to review a decision by the National Court that dismissed his petition.

He challenged the election victory of Honorable Saki Soloma over bribery allegations.

Justice Derick Hartshorn said a decision of the National Court on elections is final and and conclusive and within appeal should not be questioned in anyway.

Petitioner Simeon Kibeto has appealed to the supreme court that the judge at the National Court fell into error in her consideration of evidence and witness statements.

There was a huge gathering then that people gathered and contributed food and money to say sorry for an attack on the Hon Saki Soloma during the 2022 election campaign.

The primary judge had seen there were no strong elements of bribery by the MP but rather a customary obligation performed by people in that location.

Justice Hartshorn said application for leave to review should be granted if there is important point of law to be determined and and that is not without merit or whether it is gross errors clearly shown or manifested on the face of evidence before court.

His lawyer Charles Mende has strongly argued that the grounds pleaded are lengthy, convulated and confusing. They should be struck out for being an abuse of process as they are incompetent.

Mr Mende also submitted that the grounds fail to address the totality of the evidence and a nit picking, they fail to identify and important point of law that needs to be determined

Hon Saki Soloma had a huge celebration with his supporters after a two year court battle.

New look Telikom Rait Kad

Don't be confused.

Telikom now has a new look design for its Rait Kad top cards.

It says: "Feels good to have a new look! We’ve refreshed the design of our K3 Raitkads.

While they look different, they still work the same! Keep an eye out for them from 30th May 2024.

Available from all Telikom retail stores, business offices, participating dealers and resellers."

Criteria for pap smear