Sunday 4 April 2021

Port Moresby taxis illegally park at places traffic has to flow

 Travelling to Erima and further from Gordons can be challenge maneuvering traffic caused by drivers negligence.

The bypass lane  for cars to turn into Gordon's Market is illegally occupied by taxis.

Yes I say illegally.

This compels cars to queue in the main lane to travel to Erima and beyond and making cars heading that way to use only one lane.

This should not be happening if we adhere to rules.

Obviously it causes traffic congestion.

Thank you to the Australia, New Zealand Governments and National Capital District Commission, the new Gordons Market has been an attraction for shoppers.

The ones who like organic foods.

But we need to manage these flaws that make movement difficult.

We need to build a city that is user friendly  allowing people to move about with ease.

Elsewhere in the city, issues of taxis taking up public parking for hours at popular business venues have been concerning too.

Downtown Port Moresby and Garden City, Boroko are few examples.

We need to regulate how they operate.

At the moment they operate as they please, and that is not good  for the  city's  image.

They also illegally park at public footpaths  near shops-forcing pedestrians to walk just at the edge of footpaths and drains.

We need to manage these issues now before they become cultural or may be they already are.

Can the National Road Safety Authority or NCDC look into this.

For the Gordon's Market situation.

Well not all of us have cars. So there must be  a designated taxi rank for drop off and pick up.

We can't have taxis waiting and occupying road sections where traffic has to flow.

The best time to shop at Koki Fish Market

The Koki Fish Market  in  Moresby South is probably  one of those shopping icons one should not miss in Port Moresby.

Well that is if you are after sea food.

Situated next to the stilt homes of Wanigela village, this National Fisheries Authority funded set up is proving to be beneficial to fishermen, vendors and buyers.

Couple of vendors I chatted with were selling fish from Fishermen Island, just offshore from Port Moresby's  CBD.

There's variety of sea food.

Well not really really variety but there seems to be a few.

I went looking for squid but only found octopus for a crazy K5. Unbelievable.

A bundle of "malangur" went for an unbelievable K10.

At road side markets this would be K30.

I think the prices were  slashed because vendors were rushing  to go home.

So my assumption is the best time to shop at Koki fish market would be late in the afternoon.

Now there's bonus for buyers.

There's  young  men who can clean your fish at the sinks there for you to take home and  have them straight into the pot or pan.

Which ever way you're cooking it.

Their bill, any tip is good.

I look at how much effort they put into it.

I gave a K6.

Koki Fish Market is a good infrastructural investment.

We need to ensure it serves its ultimate purpose and keep other vendors out.

People selling betel nut, cigarettes  and cooked food should not be allowed to vend there.

They are occupying the walkway with their illegal set up.

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Shameful Jackson's Airport war

It's a very shameful act by security personnel who rampaged and caused fear, even disrupting flights in and out of Port Moresby on  Monday, 22 March, 2021.

The government must ensure the personnel are severely penalised together with the employer-the security firm.

Papua New Guinea's repute has been tarnished internationally.

This happened at the international gateway to the country, it's uncalled for.

There may be versions from parties attempting to clear ones name and blame the other, the means do not justify the end.

Rationally, no one should be attacking each other at the airport terminal and into the tarmac area chasing people and damaging airport equipment and machines.

Even at the departure terminal, glasses were damaged.

A National Airports Corporation vehicle was chased down as it was reversing at the departure drive in.

The lands cruiser vehicle was damaged. Severely damaged that is.

All actions were captured on people's mobiles phones in the form of video and pictures and widely shared on social media.

It is all public knowledge.

Prime Minister James Marape the public is watching and you will need to make a call where it calls.

The security company contract should be terminated as per your media announcement and do not forget to clean the NAC.

Turn a portion of your yard to a garden

If you crunch the numbers about how much you spend at the main Gorden's Market and or these black markets on road sides in Port Moresby buying vegetables and greens- you'd be amazed how expensive they are making you dig deeper into your wallets every now and then.

Since moving to a place more than 12 months ago, we have turned a car park lot that is not used to a garden.

Its helped us save about K10 a day for greens and vegetables.

Here we grow pumpkin so we get the leaves and the pumpkin vegetable.

We grow 'aupa'.

We grow banana, this banana from Morobe is so delicious.

We also grow onion, pawpaw, moringa and mangoes should be ready in the not too distant future.

These vegetables save us a lot and when harvested from from your garden, you can taste the freshness and so love it.

Save money, turn your background into a garden and eat organic food.

Sunday 28 March 2021

People will need positive messages from people in authority

It's  a beautiful Palm Sunday in Port Moresby.

Families attended church adhering to Covid-19 protocols.

Papua New Guinea  has received 8,000 AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines from Australia.

Front line workers are expected to be the first to be vaccinated.

This is despite purported myths or misinformation against the vaccine about side effects.

There appears to be dissent on the importation and vaccination on citizens. 

Opposition Leader Belden Namah has been frank against the government to pause the importation and vaccination until when there is a bi-partisan support for the vaccine following a clearance from a medical authority. 

Madang Governor Peter Yama says the vaccine would not be welcome in his province.

The dissenting views appear because of reports from international media about side effects of blood cloth and protests in other countries.  

Prime Minister James Marape in welcoming the vaccines from Australia said the good friends from Australia would not provide to PNG anything that is not accepted medically world-wide. 

He said vaccination is though voluntary. 

Papua New Guineans however feel messages delivered by people in authority, government  and health professionals must not create fear and anxiety among citizens.

The country has a health system that cannot meet any demand in health crisis with shortage of manpower, medicine and lack of appropriate specialist medical equipment. 

The best assurance people would like to hear is despite our challenges, the health workers would do everything they can to save the people- like a military would defend the state from foreign military invasion.

Thursday 18 March 2021

Need chicken or egg call this Bus Wara farmer

Matthew Dawa who lives at Bush Wara in Port Moresby is your choice for chicken and egg.

I met him at 9 Mile Shopping Centre carry four layer chickens.

He was selling one for K20.

The weight is about 3kg so I feel there's plenty meat for a good feed. 

If you want chicken or eggs call him on Mobile 70698523

Tuesday 16 March 2021

What must Papua New Guineans do after the burial of Sir Michael Somare

Today Papua New Guinea farewells the founding father Sir Michael Somare into his life after death.

He is laid to rest at a tomb and at a place he chose when he was alive- Kreer Heights, Wewak.

Unlike previous Prime Ministers in late Sir William Skate and Sir Mekere Morauta- Somare was not laid to rest at the precincts of Parliament in Port Moresby.

His wish was honored to be buried at Kreer Heights with his long time wife-Lady Veronica Somare.

She has also been down with one side paralyzed as a result of stroke.

So much has been said about Sir Michael from within Papua New Guinea, across the Pacific including Australia and New Zealand and the world over.

He has been hailed as the peace maker.

A name that is synonymous with the traditional name-Sana.

In his autobiography Sana- he remarked that if enemy tribes plan a war with his tribal group, they would invite they to a feast and after that, pronounce they were ready to go to war and each faction can take each side and fight.

Profoundly, this remark indicates someone who is not in for war.

He prefers dialogue and consensus.

And one of the highest values of instilling peace is to forgive the person who wrongs you.

In the country's history in August 2, 2011, he was wrongfully removed as Prime Minister and Peter O'Neill was installed.

The Supreme Court, not once but twice, ordered that the election of Peter O'Neill was unlawful.

But with strong dissent from politicians and public- Sir Michael humbled himself and allowed the controversial government of Peter O'Neill to continue.

He believed in peace and harmony and in order to reach that, one party must humble himself.

For Papua Ne Guinean's who are between the ages of 35 and 45, the best we would do to acknowledge the life of this great father of the nation is to emulate his values.

We must promote unity and peace through our deeds.

We must be ready to humble and submit ourselves to an opposing team in order to ensure there is peace.

Thank you Sir Michael Thomas Somare. Rest in Peace.

Criteria for pap smear