Showing posts with label Kora Nou. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kora Nou. Show all posts

Monday 9 March 2020

NBC managing director wants board and management to work within their responsibilties

National Broadcasting Corporation managing director Kora Nou says the organisation and the board were at loggerheads recently, moving in and out of the courts.

This has adversely affected the oldest broadcaster's operations.

Apart from that, the NBC and the whole of the ICT sector in a short space of time when there was a change in government had five ministers.

The recent one being Hon. Timothy Masiu.

Minister Timothy Masiu speaking when the board members took oaths and affirmations of office

“That’s a record of some sort,” he said during the board members took oath and affirmations of office last Friday.

The organisation also did not have a functioning board for a year.

“We had a start stop situation,” Nou said.

In welcoming the board headed by Pius Tikili, he said he was content there was a seamless transition now with the installation of a new board and they would be inducted in due course.

But Nou has stressed what Minister Masiu also emphasised that the board and management should be clear about their roles and responsibilities.

“The demarcation are to be clear,” he said.

“The board provides the strategic directions and the management and staff has to implement.”
“I also pledge loyalty and dedication to the new board,” he said.

He said the staff and management looked forward to “bring it (NBC) back to the glory it used to have.”

Former board chairman Timothy Tala and member Ps Babani Harry has been retained to ensure continuity at the board level guiding the new members on many projects and initiatives the NBC has embarked on.

The other members are deputy chairman Emil Tenoa and only female and lawyer Zinnia Dawidi.

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