Showing posts with label Duncan Gabi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duncan Gabi. Show all posts

Saturday 10 June 2023

Divine Word University student publishes book on Amazon Kindle

 A final year PNG Studies and International Relations student at the Divine Word University has published short stories in a book and available on Amazon.

Duncan Gabi from the Central Province says the 80 pages book is a collection of 20 short stories written between 2018 and 2022.

Amazon says Gabi is a versatile writer who began his journey during his early years in Primary School. 

With a diverse background as a blogger, early childhood educator, environmental activist, and media officer, Gabi brings a wealth of experiences and perspectives to his storytelling.


A captivating storyteller, he weaves his own tales that enrapture readers. With a rich tapestry of personal experiences and a boundless imagination, Gabi's narratives transport readers to enchanting world of fiction and provoke thought-provoking contemplation. 

His passion for literature and commitment to the written word shine through his compelling narratives.

The book Papua Vagabound 

I just published a collection of short stories on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and is now on the market on Amazon. 

Traditional publishers will now be a thing of the past with writers independently publishing on self-publishing platforms like Amazon's Kindle.

Good thing about self-publishing is that you own copyrights to your books and also receive royalties from Amazon for every purchase of your book.

My book comprises of 20 short stories that were written between the years 2018 and 2022.

It's going for $32.54 Australian dollars, about K70 in our currency.

Amazon does print on demand, so once readers purchase the paper back edition, Amazon will automatically print and ship to their location.

As the author, You can also print dozens of copies and then resell in PNG. For authors copies, you only pay for printing. Printing cost depends on the number of pages of your book.

My book has 80 pages so that is less than AU $5, about K11. 

I chose Australia as the primary market place for the book, unfortunately, Amazon Australia does not ship to PNG leaving PNG readers to purchase in Amazon Germany where the book will be printed in  Germany and shipped to PNG.

This doubles the price of the book, because of the printing and shipping cost.

So my advice, don't purchase from Germany. Purchase from Australia and ask your friends, (if you have any in Australia) to pick it up and ship to PNG for you.

To buy the book online click this link

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