Wednesday 6 April 2022

Edwaki in West Sepik identified as hotspot for election violence

Edwaki in the Namea Local Level Government, Telefomin District in West Sepik has been identified as a hotspot for possible election related violence.

Vanimo town, the provincial headquarters of West Sepik

Provincial Police Commander Chief Inspector Joe Poema said in a statement released by police media that Criminal Investigation Division (CID) officers in Vanimohave been deployed to the area to collect intelligence reports on the killings of a policeman and two locals last year.

The killings were reported to have been a result of a confrontation between police mobile squad members and local villagers last year over logging disputes.

Poema in the police statement said the area was 'volatile' and identified as a hotspot.

The CID officers were needed to collect intelligence reports and information gathered would assist them develop security operation plans and deploy personnel.

Poema said policemen were also on standby to travel to Telefomin station this week under the sponsorship of Telefomin District Development Authority (DDA) to conduct awareness and gather intelligent assessment reports.

They will remain there till the end of this month.

He said if there is air transport support then they will go to Oksapmin, Yapsie and the Namea Local Level Government areas as well to conduct awareness campaigns and do risk assessments.

Namea LLG which Edwaki comes under is near Lumi and Nuku on the Sepik plains.

Election security plans for West Sepik are on track though with guidance from the Provincial Election Steering Committee (PESC)

Poema said they were conducting election briefings weekly to ensure policemen and women are taking ownership of the security aspect of the election before going into the election campaign and the polling periods.

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