Tuesday 5 April 2022

Bulolo Water Supply Development Launched

Saturday 19th March 2022, Bulolo, Morobe Province.
Witnessed by a packed crowd of town residents and a few MPs, the Bulolo Town Water Supply project was finally jointly launched on Saturday 19th March 2022 in Bulolo by the Deputy Prime Minister and Member for Bulolo, Hon Sam Basil and Minister for State Owned Enterprises Hon. William Duma.

It declared 2013 as the year of implementation.

Ministers Sam Basil and William Duma posing with other officials at the launch PC: DNPM and ULP

The project has been planned over a period of 12 years since 2011, initially proposed by the Hon. Member and after years of planning, feasibility, design and securing of funds, Water PNG Limited has finally concluded the awarding and signing off on the Bulolo Town Water Supply project last October.
Fully funded through a World Bank Concessional Loan (IBRD 155-047), the Bulolo Town Water Supply development is one of 9 District Towns to be supported through this loan.
Bialla is the first District Town to opened/commissioned under this loan facility.
The laucching will see the first phase of development take off, worth K23.0m and this is expected to be completed in 12 months with the second phase (worth K25.0m) to immediately follow.
The full development of the Bulolo Town Water Supply project should see about 1700 service connections which will also include schools, the hospital and small operating SMEs.
In thanking all stakeholders the Deputy Prime Minister acknowledged the Department of National Planning and Monitoring for its continued support throughout the years.
Through the Capital Investment Budget, the DNPM had allocated about K4.0m to Water PNG Limited for project design and administrative cost.

Saturday March 19, 2022 is a significant day for Bulolo residents PC: DNPM and ULP

DPM Basil reminded the Bulolo Town Authority and residents to work with Water PNG Limited and the Contractor SinoHydro Limited to see the project implemented well.
Water PNG Limited will initially operate and manage the water supply system with plans to hand over to the District in the long run.

-Press Release

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