Tuesday 12 October 2021

New Ireland Council of Elders Conference Venue Change


The annual Council of Elders Conference planned to be held for the first time at Boliu Secondary School in the Murat LLG from the 21st and 22nd of this month has now been changed to Kavieng.


The PEC, at its special meeting on 8th October 2021, made decision to change Boliu as the venue due to the sudden change in the Covid 19 Protocols which has also affected the school examinations and other works necessary to hold this annual event.


The last Council of Elders Conference held at Lambom last year was very exciting and everyone was looking forward to holding the next meeting at Murat on Boliu Secondary school.


The Chairman of the Elders Council and Legislative Assembly Rep, Hon. Linson Aaron, regretted the sudden unexpected circumstances leading to the change of venue to Kavieng. 

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