Saturday 30 October 2021

Help donate to Jenny from Enga

 Almost a week ago Jenny Wato from Enga suffered tremendous loss of property and personal belongings when they were set ablaze by a violent group of people.

She was innocent.

She was caught in between violence by two groups and just because her properties were within the violent zone-she copped it.

Jenny and her partner could not defend their property.

The community could not.

The state could not protect her neither.

The trauma and suffering were enormous.

She cried when she spoke to a television camera.

She lived at Garden Hills for nearly 30 years and off course she was popular.

Today the Garden Hills Estate community went for a donation drive appealing to residents to donate what they can to help Jenny bounce back.

This is comforting.

This is the true gesture of our Melanesian culture.

We hope anyone who reads this and want to donate can contact the person whose detail is on the poster.

Your little help goes a long way to help a fellow Melanesian.

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