Monday 14 June 2021

A war of words exchanged between Central Province Governor and Moresby South MP

 It has become quite common but Central Province Governor Robert Agarobe is not backing down calling out at Moresby South MP Justin Tkatchenko and NCD Govenor Powes Parkop.

Agarobe and Parkop were against each other lately on Goods and Services Tax sharing.

The lastest, Agarobe called out Tkatchenko after the Moresby South MP told the media he was removing Goilala people settling at 2 Mile Hill, Sabama and Vadavada.

Tkatchenko's reaction stems from crime incidents in his electorate recently apparently blamed at Goilalas.

NBC news reported Tkatchenko said a man and a woman were attacked at Vadavada and another, a sports team captain at Sabama-other incidents were regular crimes of bag snatching at 2 Mile Hill.

Agarobe has called Tkatchenko, a foreigner and it was irrational to evict Goilalas who are from Central Province and NCD was initially part of Central Province.

He called out to Tkatchenko to take responsibility as a government and create employment for people for in most cases turn to crime as a result of socio-economic challenges.

Tkatchenko has said his decision was for the majority of the peace loving citizens of Moresby South and they would work with NCDC to effect evictions.

Social media is a buzz with comments from people.

Some favour Tkatchenko's decision while others do not.

Most say it was discriminative against the Goilalas and there must be a better approach taken against crimes in the electorate.

If Goilalas were evicted, they feel any other unemployed people from other regions must be evicted as well.

Saturday 5 June 2021

River rock stone with design of turtle and crocodile

River rock/stone found by teacher at Kambriap Primary School, Green River, West Sepik.

Turtle on the head of a crocodile.

Painted by the teacher for easier visualisation......

Query refer to Jack Nawiap on Facebook

Thursday 3 June 2021

Betel nut spittle defacing our environment

This is at Manu Cash and Carry in Port Moresby.

Let's respect our environment. Make it clean and neat.

Betel nut spittle has defaced our shops and towns and it costs money to clean it.

Wonder if the security guards engaged are policing this?

They seem to be chewing much there as well.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Have you campaigned well during the Moresby Northwest by election?

Forty-two candidates, one seat.

That's democracy.

Only one female candidate in former senior public servant Anna Kavana Bais.

There was never a report about incidents of candidates and political groups clashing.

Used to be quite common in the highlands region pre- LPV system was used.

Well I guess with no violence- that's one of the advantages of LPV voting since its introduction in 2007.

Now moving forward with the one day polling scheduled for Wednesday, June 2, 2021- how have the candidates performed on their campaign trails?

I have only heard about Lohia Boe Samuel, Anna Bais, Zechariah Yakap, Jackson Kiakari, Thaddeus Kambanei, Sengol Parkop, Walter Yangomina and former NCD City Manager Leslie Alu.

Where are the others?

The latest I noticed, well just yesterday through an EMTV advert is the candidate for Charles Abel's Our Development Party in Tagaro Asiba.

All the others were through social media Facebook except for Sergie Otio, a poster on a mountain frame parked daily at the drive in to Moni Plus and Garden Hills.

Well for most I haven't heard them speak. I think one of the attributes of being a politician is to have an excellent ability to speak well.

I will post next sharing my opinions on why to be successful one has to use all mediums to campaign and promote your policies.

A bus accident in Port Moresby near the Boroko Foodworld (POM in pictures)

 A bus accident near the Boroko Foodworld at Gordons this afternoon held traffic up a bit more than usual. 

Just some afternoon pictures.

Indonesian intelligence report says PNG based militant group enlisting people to fight for West Papua's Independence

 Post Courier reports that intelligence information from Indonesian officials say militant groups are on a recruitment drive in several provinces in Papua New Guinea.

The recruitment for militia training and taking up arms is to join the fight for West Papua's push for Independence from West Papua.

A fight that has been going on since August 4, 1969 following the controversial Act of Free Choice.

The recruitment are taking place in West Sepik, East Sepik, Madang, Southern Highlands and Western Province, say Indonesian officials.

Papua New Guinea is conducting its own investigations and this followed a public social media video that went viral when a group of men in military camouflages claimed to be from the East Sepik said in "Tok Pisin" they were on a mission to support West Papua gain Independence.

Indonesian officials have told Post Courier that there are West Papuans residing in East Sepik providing military and combat training to those who have been influenced and converted.

Their main launch area will be in West Sepik.

Many years ago in the early to mid 1980's in West Sepik, people at the border from Imonda, Amanab, Bewani and Green River were heavily involved in what was called "wok bembe" to support West Papuans gain Independence.

Men would leave their villages and wives and spend months in the jungles that were quite closed then as opposed to today.

The zeal and passion for the mission may be there and if the intelligence information is true, what would be interesting is how would they engage, as opposed to the 80's.

Indonesia's TNI are reported to have beefed up surveillance and military presence at the border with PNG in West Sepik following the viral video of militant group.

Indonesian officials have also told Post Courier that they are keeping a close eye on West Papua leaders who have in recent times visited PNG.

West Papua Governor who is a Melanesian attempted to cross into PNG at Wutung during Covid-19 lockdown but was stopped and taken back to Jayapura few months back.

He is reported to have wanted to seek medical help in PNG.

A report by the PNG intelligence team will be handed to Prime Minister James Marape, Post Courier says.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Serious adequate response needed to induct Port Moresby bus drivers

Yesterday, police in Port Moresby went to their social media page and appealed to bus owners to educate their drivers about road safety.

This came about as a result of a bus with crashing with a semi trailer along the busy Waigani Drive at Stop and Shop, Waigani Central.

See picture below

The following notice was then put up by police on their social media page:

"Sapos yu wanpla papa or mama bilong PMV bas, yu mas harim gut dispela toksave.
Yu mas toksave long draiva na bos kru bilong yu, long lukautim gut laip bilong ol yet na bilong ol pasindia, taem oli draiv insait long siti.
Wanpla eksident ibin kamap tete klostu long Waigani Stop 'N' Shop, bas stop, bikos draiva ino draiv gut na kamapim displa birua.
Plis tingim laip bilong yu yet na bilong ol narapla man or meri husat kalap insaet long PMV bas."

National Capital District Commission, National Road Safety Authority and Police traffic must now develop a new policy to curb the lawlessness that the bus drivers have been more like law unto themselves.

They are road traffic hazards to other road users and the passengers they carry.

Set conditions that

  • All bus drivers will have to undergo a two weeks induction on road safety rules and traffic rules before they can be issues a certified pass to operate as a bus driver in Port Moresby
  • They must carry this pass all the time with their licence when they operate
  • The 'bos kru' must also under the two weeks training which can be run quarterly in a year
Issues that road users notice from the bus drivers today are
  • Double parking
  • Picking and dropping passengers at middle of roads holding traffic, not using bus stops
  • Speeding using inside lanes and wanting to cross abruptly to outside lane bus stop
  • Queue jumping from outside walkways or by passes like the one from Waigani Central to freeway. They cut in near the tunnel after raging through the by pass.
While we try and appeal to owners of buses, the onus is on police traffic to adequately enforce rules or laws.
A communications strategy and plan must be activated and communicated to these people who seem to think there is no law.
If we missed a generation, that is a big issue trying to get them back in line and we are stressed with issues.
The police department must ensure there is budget for education and awareness every year.
Essentially I agree, we need to get our drivers inducted to comply with traffic or road safety rules.

Criteria for pap smear