Monday 14 June 2021

A war of words exchanged between Central Province Governor and Moresby South MP

 It has become quite common but Central Province Governor Robert Agarobe is not backing down calling out at Moresby South MP Justin Tkatchenko and NCD Govenor Powes Parkop.

Agarobe and Parkop were against each other lately on Goods and Services Tax sharing.

The lastest, Agarobe called out Tkatchenko after the Moresby South MP told the media he was removing Goilala people settling at 2 Mile Hill, Sabama and Vadavada.

Tkatchenko's reaction stems from crime incidents in his electorate recently apparently blamed at Goilalas.

NBC news reported Tkatchenko said a man and a woman were attacked at Vadavada and another, a sports team captain at Sabama-other incidents were regular crimes of bag snatching at 2 Mile Hill.

Agarobe has called Tkatchenko, a foreigner and it was irrational to evict Goilalas who are from Central Province and NCD was initially part of Central Province.

He called out to Tkatchenko to take responsibility as a government and create employment for people for in most cases turn to crime as a result of socio-economic challenges.

Tkatchenko has said his decision was for the majority of the peace loving citizens of Moresby South and they would work with NCDC to effect evictions.

Social media is a buzz with comments from people.

Some favour Tkatchenko's decision while others do not.

Most say it was discriminative against the Goilalas and there must be a better approach taken against crimes in the electorate.

If Goilalas were evicted, they feel any other unemployed people from other regions must be evicted as well.

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