Wednesday 10 November 2021

Good news for PNG travellers. Air Niugini operates additional flights to Sydney


Air Niugini has advised customers that due to high demand for Sydney flights, the airline will be operating three special flights from Port Moresby to Sydney and back, using the Boeing 767 aircraft.

The flights, PX 4001/4002 will operate every Sunday, commencing on 28th November, followed by 05th and 12th December.
These flights depart Port Moresby at 07:00am and arrive in Sydney at 11:55am with the return services departing Sydney at 12:55pm and arriving back in POM at 3:55pm.
These are additional flights with Air Niugini maintaining its usual weekly scheduled Sydney service on Mondays.
Continuation of additional flights beyond 12th December will be reviewed depending on demand.
Meanwhile, PX 003/PX 004 from Port Moresby to Brisbane on the three dates mentioned (28th November, and 05th & 12th December) have been cancelled with passengers being moved to the next available flights.
Air Niugini also reminds their passengers that New South Wales (NSW) has already announced quarantine free travel for international arriving passengers from 1st November 2021.
At present, only fully vaccinated passengers will be approved for uplift to Sydney.
Unvaccinated Australian citizens and permanent residents can return to Australia on PX003 to Brisbane, but will require 14 days hotel quarantine on arrival.
Travel is initially limited to Australian citizens, permanent residents and special visa holders. Air Niugini does expect this to extend to business travellers and tourists soon after.
Parents , or parents-in-law of Australian citizens and permanent residents , who are fully vaccinated are now eligible to apply for approval to travel to Australia at
From 1st November, there is no requirement to apply for approval to leave Australia, so long as you are fully vaccinated.
Travel is expected to open to Papua New Guineans and other nationalities planning on traveling to Australia, for work, schooling, leisure or to catch-up with wantoks or friends in late December.
Intending passengers are reminded that you must be fully vaccinated prior to being allowed to travel internationally including to Australia.
Hence if you do plan any international travel, we recommend you get vaccinated now to avoid disappointment.
PNG Immigration has also recommenced online visa applications for those wishing to travel to PNG, whilst Papua New Guineans can apply online for tourist visas’s to travel to Australia, albeit as noted this pathway is not yet open for actual travel.
Air Niugini continues to operate six flights per week to Brisbane, two flights to Sydney, four flights per week to Singapore, twice weekly to Manila, and twice weekly to Hong Kong.
Flights to other locations remain suspended due to international border restrictions.
All passengers departing internationally will still need to complete a negative PCR test at Port Moresby airport at time of check-in. Access to testing closes two hours prior to scheduled departure.
Wearing of face masks in the terminals and on board the aircraft is mandatory, hand sanitisers are provided for your protection, and social distancing is followed wherever practical in order to ensure your international travel remains as safe as possible.

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Former Sandaun Governor Amkat Mai passes on. Condolence from Telefomim MP

 It is with heavy heart I learnt of the passing of one of our true sons of Telefomin and former Governor of Sandaun Province Mr Amkat Mai who left us all on the morning of Tuesday 9th Novermber 2021.

He was a very humble man who provided strong leadership in the province during his political tenureship from 2012- 2017 before losing his seat in the 2017 National General Election. He was the first and only Min man to be the Governor of Sandaun.

Late Mr Mai was my Grade Seven (Gr 7) Mathematics teacher at Telefomin High School back in 1991. He later went on to become a lecturer at the Divine Word University in Madang. He left teaching to contest in the 2012 election under the National Alliance Party banner and won.

I was blessed to have met him again in 2012 this time through politics when I was first voted in as MP for Telefomin. Late Mr Mai lost his Governor seat in 2017 while I continue on as the Telefomin MP to this day.
Late Mr Mai will be remembered for playing a role in the initial arrangements on the construction of Tabubil-Telefomin road.
We thank the Lord God Almighty for blessing us with Mr Mai who has had his voice and hands in the development of Sandaun Province and PNG.
He was a friend, collegue and a father figure to many who have come to know him both in politics and during his teaching career.
He leaves behind a lasting legacy that many will live to cherish.
In this time of grief and sorrow, our prayers and thoughts are with the family in Vanimo, Ivone Mai, Andy Mai, Jeremiah Mai, Wife and family in Oksapmin, Madang and around PNG.
On behalf of my family in Telefomin District and the people of Telefomin I pay my tribute to late Amkat Mai.
May His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.

Friday 5 November 2021

PNG schools to open until December 10


The Ministry of Education is very concerned and notes the recent surge in covid-19 cases across the country and, especially affecting schools and the education services.

“Whilst we take note of the surge and the actions that are being taken by schools and provinces during the examinations period, as Minister for Education, I would like to thank everyone for their actions taken to ensure that the examinations were completed without any major incidences and, currently the marking is in progress,” Minister for Education Hon. Jimmy Uguro said.

“As Minister responsible for Education, I commend schools for the timely completion of grade eight, grade 10 and grade 12 examinations.”

“Also, I would like to make it very clear as to whether classes are to continue or be suspended.  There are a lot of speculations and suggestions for classes to be suspended and closed indefinitely until the end of the year.

“The official position of the Minister who is responsible for education standards, services and curriculum and the position of the Government; there will be no definite or indefinite suspension of classes by any schools or provinces. Schools will remain open until the December 10, 2021 when all schools officially close for the Christmas festive season.

However, Minister Uguro said, given specific situations in specific schools or districts or provinces; the established provincial covid-19 taskforce or committees can make an assessment to suspend schools in their respective areas for a short period for up to 14 days.

He added that any extension after 14 days; the provincial covid-19 committees must consult with the Ministry through the Department.

“There should be no decision by any provincial education authority for any suspension of schools for the rest of the year, until and unless the Ministry and Department is informed and an approval is given. Failure to do that will result in students’ learning and certification being affected; furthermore, there will be more ramifications as a result.”

“As of today, the academic year still remains. We have five more weeks to go so we urge all heads of schools, school boards and heads of divisions of education to be vigilant and take all proactive measures and follow the mitigations and health measures that are in place and are being published widely to prevent teachers and students from being affected by the pandemic,” the Minister said.

The Minister also called on all schools nationwide not to conduct any graduation ceremonies as such events are risky at this time and advised students to graduate in absentia.

He is strongly urging every teacher and public servant in the Education System to go for vaccination.

“The vaccinations are not mandatory and compulsory but based on medical advice and experience and the global practice now, we urge that every teacher go for vaccination to protect themselves, students, colleagues, and their family members.”



Tuesday 2 November 2021

How to make money in Papua New Guinea using the Internet

I have used capital letter  ' I' for internet in the heading because that is the formal use of it.

It is a connection of connected network of computers around the world.

For PNG its introduction has surely changed a lot of things in the way we do business and communicate. 

Internet was introduced in about 1997 and limited number of people accessed it through Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL)  via landlines mainly.

It had actually picked up exponentially in terms of use and literacy in about 2010.

Today about two million Internet users are in Papua New Guinea, that's according to the Minister for Information and Communications when he applauded the acquisition of Digicel Pacific by Telstra, an Australian company.

Social media users of Facebook account for about half of the Internet users.

So while we have increased accessibility and its affordable, well in the last 12 months internet data price was slashed when the Coral Sea cable 2 linking Sydney was launched.

Overseas commentators feel cost was still high compared to other Pacific countries though.

Well, I have deviated and lets get back on track.

The Internet is at your finger tips with access through smart phones, laptop or desktop.

I will point you to one accessible and affordable means of making money-just through writing.

Yes just through writing and so your thoughts and ideas are a gold mine.


Through you can host a blog or website for FREE and and start uploading what you think in writing with pictures or videos.

Get people to read your content by browsing your website.

You can build a social media page to promote your content so you get people to read your stuff.

When you have some traffic say 5,000 go to Google Adsense and register to be a publisher.

Visit this site

Once you are a publisher, you will be will be prompted to copy a code and embed in your blogger site.

There are widgets there you will use.

Once that is done, you should see Google ads appear on your site randomly.

So people pay Google to place these ads and they send to websites at selected regions that this ad is targeting and if anyone clicks on your advert, you receive 68% of the money.

The more clicks you get on these ads the more money you make.

Adsense will send you a six digit PIN from Singapore once you reach $20 and you can activate your publisher account.

You can enter your Papua New Guinea bank account details.

Once you have reached USD $100 the money is wired straight to your nominated PNG account usually on the 21 of each following month.

And you start earing income from your mobile phone or computer right at your home or office.


For the Wordpress website, you can also monetise it with Google Adsense.

But you need to register a domain name costing less than USD $20 and and buy a business plan that is renewable every year costing K1,200 (USD $300)

Use your visa debit cards.

I have recently received my PIN from Adsense in Singapore and focusing now on creating content for my audience and hope I can earn some money.

What we can do is you focus on a particular type of content for your niche market, so as I.

We read each others content and we all earn a little to sustain our lives.

You can use the same publisher account on various websites and your YouTube account.

There are many other monetisation platforms you can find on the Internet but I am sharing this one as it has worked for me and I will not be selfish to keep it secret.

Many PNG websites have already monetised their sites and earning money, so why not you do too?

Let's bring in foreign currency and grow our economy.

All the best.

Monday 1 November 2021

Melbourne Cup 2021: PNG find out who the experts are tipping and where the upsets to come from

For you all who knows little about horses and punting like me

This is for us. I am looking at these tips. May you score luck!

Is it a case of Incentivise or bust this Melbourne Cup day? 

Protest against vaccination despite Manning declaring it illegal

Residents in the Papua New Guinea capital Port Moresby have taken to the streets to protest against mandatory vaccination.

This is despite the protest being disapproved by Police Commissioner David Manning who is also the Covid-19 Pandemic Controller.

He issued a statement on Friday that any protest would be deemed illegal and persons sponsoring it or misinforming people that vaccination was mandatory would be prosecuted.

Journalist Miriam Zarriga has posted on social media for people to avoid the streets leading to Goodwit Street where the Australian High Commission is.  This street leads to Parliament.

Police have beefed up presence on the streets.

Last week a protest against vaccination was held in Lae.

There were reports of cars being damaged as well.

Water and sanitation program rolls out in New Ireland: Covid conscious response

 The people of New Ireland expects a water and sanitation program to be rolled out throughout the province.

This would come under the provincial government's subsidy office.

Governor Sir Julius Chan says good good sanitation and hygiene is now the focus of his government  because of the period of uncertainty and increase in deaths from Covid-19.

Last Thursday Sir Julius travelled to Sumuna on the beautiful island of Djaul when he made the announcement and launched a WASH program.

New Ireland government media said in a statement delegation who accompanied Sir Julius was given a rousing welcome by the Chiefs of Tikana local level government.

CEO for Government Subsidy Mactil Bais  said a total of 15 toilets will be built all over the Island of Djaul to kick start the Wash program. 

She made it clear that it would not be a handout project but one that needed partnership between the people the Government.


“We will supply the necessary materials but we expect you to assist with labour and timber. We have to get rid of this handout mentality because it is making our communities unproductive,” said  Bais.

Criteria for pap smear