Monday 3 June 2019

Bougainville Referendum Commission clarifies its stance on criteria to enrol voters


The Bougainville Referendum Commission says the eligibility criteria for enrollment on the referendum roll is stipulated under several different elements of legal framework and it does not have the discretion to change the criteria.

In a Press Statement, BRC Chief Referendum Officer, Mauricio Claudio said the BRC was aware of public discussions regarding the criteria for enrolment of voters and thus it was coming out to clear the air on the issue.

The criteria for enrollment is based on several different elements of the legal framework. As the BRC only came into existence in late 2018, the BRC was not involved in the drawing up of the framework.

  • “For those enrolling in Bougainville, the criteria are drawn from:
  •          Section 315 of the Bougainville Peace Agreement 2001
  •         Schedule 1, section 23 of the Organic Law on Peace-building in Bougainville – Autonomous Bougainville Government and Bougainville Referendum 2002
  •          Section 7(1) of the Bougainville Constitution        Section 52(1) of the Organic Law on National and Local-level Government Elections,”

Mr Claudio explained that according to the Bougainville Peace Agreement “the eligibility to vote in the referendum will be the same as for national elections in Bougainville.”
He added that this section of the peace agreement was operationalised by the organic law and this meant that the same criteria used for enrolling people in the PNG national elections would apply.
So the criteria for those living in Bougainville are:
·         Must have been living in Bougainville for at last the past six months prior to enrollment
·         Were born on or before 12 October 2001
·         Are a PNG citizen
·         Are entitled to vote in PNG National Elections
For non-resident Bougainvilleans (Bougainvilleans living outside Bougainville), the eligibility criteria for enrollment has been agreed to be:

·         Must have links to Bougainville by birth, adoption, marriage or clan
·         Were born on or before 12 October 2001
·         Are a PNG citizen
·         Are entitled to vote in PNG National Elections,” he clarified.

The Chief Referendum Officer said “As can be seen, the criteria has been set for some time and the legal framework gives the BRC no discretion-if a person meets the criteria, and applies to be included on the roll, then the BRC must enrol them.”

Mr Claudio explained, however, that all applicants for enrollment would be subject to an objections process which would allow any enrolled voter to lodge an objection if they see anyone included on the roll who does not meet the criteria.

Why I was absent from Parliament ( Part 1 of 2 )

Following the election of James Marape as the 8th Prime Minister, there has been numerous articles posted on social media asking the question why I was absent and abstained from voting.
Last Wednesday, the former Prime Minister Peter O'Neill announced his resignation. Soon after resigning Members of Parliament walked over to acknowledge him.
What was unknown to 27 Members of Opposition or William Duma's URP, was that 4am that morning James Marape had struck a deal with Peter O'Neill to resign, which would trigger a vacancy after which Marape would lead 34 Members from the Laguna Camp across to join Crown and be their nominee for the PM position.
Why and how did it all happen?
On Tuesday, the Members of Laguna Camp conducted a secret ballot to determine who will be named as the alternative Prime Minister. There were three main contenders for the position, James Marape, Patrick Pruaitch and William Duma.
The numbers were stacked as follows:
Marape 27 Members
Pruaitch 27 Members
Duma 13 Members
Marape's 27 Members included:
Pangu - Ginsou/Marape (21)
People's Party - Ipatas/Davis/Tongamp (3)
Our Development Party - Puka Temu (1)
THE Party - Jeffrey Kama (1)
Pruaitch 27 Members included:
Original Opposition 24
Wera Mori (1) - Ex PNC / joined NA
Tony Wouowu (1) Ex PNC / joined NA
Social Development Party - John Kaupa (1)
Duma's URP Members included:
Original URP 9 of 11 that crossed to Laguna camp
Two absent Members, Fabian Pok & Wesley Ramani who decided to remain with Crown camp.
Pila Ninigi (defected from PNC joined URP)
Richard Masere (defected from PNC joined Pangu then URP)
John Pundari (defected from PNC joined URP)
Douglas Tomurisea (defected from PNC joined Pangu then URP).
Before Duma agreed to join, Laguna camp had 49 Members, short of 7 MPs to meet the required majority of 56 Members.
Duma insisted that he would only join camp provided Marape and Pruaitch sign an MOU stating that he would become the alternative Prime Minister. This agreement was signed at 4am in the morning without the knowledge of the rest of Members in the Laguna Camp.
Duma having this agreement in his pocket (literally) convinced four PNC Members (Ninigi, Masere, Pundari and Tomurisea) to join URP with the promise of a Ministry appointment.
However, what Duma and the PNC Members were not aware of was that while Pruaitch and Marape may have agreed to nominate Duma, it didn't mean the remaining Members of the Laguna camp would.
This issue was raised on Monday morning at the Laguna camp where it was proposed that a secret ballot would determine the nominee. After some debate it was agreed the three nominees needed to discuss between themselves as to who will be the nominee and if they couldn't decide then a secret ballot would proceed.
Earlier on the same day, the Opposition caucus meeting was held to debrief on the latest issues concerning the nomination. Pruaitch explained that he was in discussion with Peter O'Neill about the option of joining Crown camp, where O'Neill would resign and nominate Pruaitch as the next Prime Minister.
We were each asked for our views, on account this was not the first time the issue of joining O'Neill came up, I stood up and announced to our team that I've had enough of this crap and could no longer be part of a team who were considering joining O'Neill or even in discussion with him. I explained to Pruaitch that while in camp I was told that Pruaitch was in talks with O’Neill which I vehemently denied stating that he would never go back to O'Neill. I left the Opposition team since I refused to be party to any plans of joining O’Neill and I offered to help Marape’s team.
On Monday evening, the night before the secret ballot, I started lobbying with Members of Marape’s team and National Alliance Members (Allan Bird) together with URP Team (Jelta Wong) that we should just nominate James Marape to be the alternative. I was concerned that if we went to a secret ballot there would be issues.
At 7am Tuesday morning, Duma held a caucus meeting with 13 of his Members at pool side. I checked back with Bird and Wong what their party position was, their response being they would not support Marape.
After breakfast all 67 members of Laguna camp met to discuss who will be the nominee. There was heated debate, Wong insisting the terms of MOU that Duma should be honoured while others said that agreement is not binding because the Members were not party to it.
Marape, Duma, and Pruaitch left the room, in their discussion Duma argued it was only fair they should honour the MOU, however Pruaitch objected making the point Duma put his hand on the Bible week’s earlier saying he would join the Laguna camp on 7th May 2019 but instead stayed with O’Neill.
Duma realising that if it went to secret ballot he would certainly lose with only 13 MPs, he instead pulled out of the race and said whichever candidate wins he would be the Deputy Prime Minister. Unknown to Marape, Duma had already struck a deal to support Pruaitch.
While they were in a meeting I took out my laptop and ran then numbers, anticipating Duma would back Pruaitch and having pulled out of Opposition I would cast my vote for Marape.
Marape’s 27 MPs plus my vote would mean he would poll 28, Duma 13 backing Pruaitch 26 (less me) would poll 39.
Marape, Duma and Pruaitch returned and they announced it was agreed Duma had pulled out and there would be secret ballot between Marape and Pruaitch. Even though I knew without a doubt Marape would lose I still voted for him, reasons for which I will provide in a later article.
Following the secret ballot the results were as predicted; Pruaitch 39, Marape 28. Soon after the ballot a press conference was staged to announce that Pruaitch would be nominee for alternative Prime Minister.
It was evident that many of Marape’s 27 MPs who voted for him were deeply disappointed. That evening we all met in Marape’s room. I witnessed Marape explain to his team he had accepted the results.
I explained to them it was not over yet, as I expected Peter O’Neill to resign on the 11th hour to dislodge the Opposition’s notice of motion of no confidence. It would mean a vacancy in the Office of Prime Minister and parties would go back into camp to elect a new Prime Minister.
4am that morning, the Southern Highlands Members of Crown Camp contacted James Marape to join their camp after he had lost the nomination. Marape explained the only way to return would be if O’Neill resigned. Members of the Crown camp in fear of ending up in the opposition following a vote of no confidence and National Alliance Party return to power put massive pressure on O’Neill to agree to resign.
The fact Opposition side had taken over the Parliament Committee there was no question of doubt O’Neill would be voted out of office.
The next morning the Laguna Camp met to sign the notice of motion to lodge it with Speaker and the committee to agree to have it listed on the notice paper.
However, when Parliament reconvened that morning O’Neill announced his resignation, Marape took his cue to acknowledge him for it. When Parliament adjourned Marape crossed the floor and exited through the Government Members back entrance. A 25 seater bus was waiting for him with his 27 Members and on his tail was William Duma and Jelta Wong. When Duma tried to enter the bus Marape stopped him and said sorry this bus is only for 28 Members who voted for me. Of course 28th Member was me, who had no idea what had transpired. Straight after Parliament adjourned I had no intention of shaking O’Neill’s hands and left through the Opposition lounge.
In part 2 I will explain what transpired in the 24 hours that lead to Marape’s election, why I was absent and the Oppositions scheme to block Marape from being elected by nominating O’Neill and Mekere, and how it miraculously back fired and how they unashamedly tried to cover it all up.

Sunday 2 June 2019

MRCD Hekari United achieves goals


They set their goals right from the beginning and worked towards achieving that and they did.

MRDC Hekari United Football Club despite going down 5-4 in the penalty shoot out with Toti City FC in the Kumul Petroleum Holding National Soccer League grand final has finally qualified for the Oceania Football Confederation Champion’s league challenge.

Hekari United FC achieved its goal after finishing top at the Southern Conference leg of the Kumul Petroleum National Soccer League challenge and making the inaugural grand final of this new concept that has now touched all four corners of the country.

“This has been our main goal for the season when we got back together as a team after being out of the NSL for two years,” said Hekari United FC’s head coach Jerry Allen.

“All our boys are very new to the team and having only few old hands, they had make it this far which is a big achievement for the team. In the beginning of the year, we set our goal and that is to make it back to the OFC Challenge and we did.

I am so proud of my boys despite going down to the Toti City FC in the grand final today,” said Jerry.

Jerry congratulated the Toti City FC for their victory saying the side had been together for a while and they were a better side on the day.

“Most of our boys are being new to the team but they did really well. It’s pretty a new look side unlke the team in the past but we managed to achieve what we’ve aimed for and that is to make it back to the OFC Challenge which we did and I am proud of this achievement,” Jerry said.

Toti City FC head coach Peter Gunemba also admitted that the match between his side and Hekari United FC was certainly going down to the wire and it did.

“You know Hekari United FC has set the standard and like I always wanted my boys to play at a higher level and playing against Hekari United FC puts them at that level. It’s healthy and also raised the standard of the game in the country,” Gunemba said.

For Hekari United FC, they will certainly go to the drawing board and prepare for the OFC Challenge while also working extra harder to come back next season.

Be a force for nature- NCDC introduces go green campaign

Burning plastic waste and cigarette butts are harmful to the environment and people's health, a Non-Government Organisation warned on Sunday, 2 June 2019.

Samantha Kuman of Sustainable Coastlines PNG said plastic bags and bottles take 10 to 1000 years to decompose.
She was speaking at the advance World Environment Day celebration initiated by the National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop who launched the Green Partner of the City, Green Excellence Business Award and to set up and eco green club in various secondary schools in the city at the Independence Boulevard to mark the day three days in advance.

She said studies show that 700 species of marine life were affected by plastic waste, adding close to 100 million marine mammals are killed each by the plastic pollution in the ocean and river systems.

She cited that over one million sea birds are killed by plastic waste in the ocean.

Kuman urged fellow citizens to stop burning plastic containers in front of shop fronts or within their premises or litter them into waterways and drainage or into the ocean to save the marine life and address air pollution.

She extended her call to smokers to litter cigarette filters (butt) at trash bins, saying it contains more than 700 chemicals which are poisonous to marine life. 

“Cigarette filters contribute more to ocean pollution. They take decade or more to decompose,” said Kuman who pledged to become a force for the Nature.

She also warned that plastic waste contain furan (which can cause cancer) dioxin (if inhaled, it can cause coughing, dizziness and suffocation, saying when exposed to it for a long time, it can cause cancer).

She made a commitment ‘to be a Force for Nature’ in the city.

People's Progress Party influential in Peter O'Neill's resignation

New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan yesterday issued a statement saying his political party plyed a pivotal role have have Peter O'Neill resigned.

In a statement he said the Peoples Progress Party    was at the centre, together with other Leaders like Peter Yama, Powes Parkop, Chris Haiveta and former Prime Minister Paias Wingti.

He said they were influential in changing the course of the political deadlock by persuading then Prime Minister Peter O'Neill to tender his resignation ahead of a motion of no confidence against him.
Sir Julius Chan making a statement in Parliament

"If we didn't ask Peter O'Neill to resign the political stalemate would have prolonged and left the country in disarray. The fact that he resigned allowed for the opposition camp to disperse and ultimately for us to meet up with James Marape's 29 strong (men) camp resulting in brokering his nomination as Prime Minister," said Sir Julius.

He said although his PPP faction was a small, they stuck together to maintain stability at a time when there was heavy movement between camps with a few notable MPs showing clear undecisiveness. 

" As the leader of PPP I am proud of you. You have lived up to our strong stable motto. Even with our small number we never gave up. Size did not matter in this exercise."

Sir Julius also thanked fellow  Paias Wingti for showing maturity and foresight which led to the smooth transition of power.

During a small thanksgiving lunch on Friday with his PPP team Sir Julius relayed that both he and Prime Minister James Marape had met and later with former Prime Minister Peter O'Neill, thanking him for his services to the country. 

Sir Julius also thanked him for the support he gave to the PPP.

Exchanging with Marape, he said if he wanted an effective Public service he had to start by reforming and reducing its size substantially.

The other two important agenda was work on the Decentralization of Powers for greater Autonomy and amendments to the Mining Act. 

This he says will see the deficit reduce in the next 3 years.

The New Ireland Provincial Government also has a clear Economic recovery platform that can be used as a road map to kick start the recovery process.

Eastern Highlands Province health authority has new board members


The Eastern Highlands Provincial Health Authority (EHPHA) has sworn in nine members of its third board to further health services in the province.

The health board includes CEO of Pacific Helicopters and former EHP governor Malcolm Kela Smith, Tau Amevo, Ms Elva Lionel, Jackson Apa, Miriam Layton, Dr Kilagi Vanuga. Enoch Mieh, Kopi Manove and Fallah Loatigih.

The swearing in process was done by Senior Magistrate Gerad Vetunawa in Goroka witnessed by stakeholder in the EHPHA and management.
District Court Magistrate Gerad
Vetunawa (left) swearing in
a member of the board -Provincial Disease
Control officer
 who represents of districts in EHPHA Mr Jackson Apo

EHPHA CEO Dr Joseph Apa said the delivery of health services is a big challenge for a province with many rural areas and an increasing population and partnership and equal representation in the board will help health services to the community level.

“Shortage of medical drugs, poor health indicators such as low immunization coverage, low supervised delivery of mothers and many other health problems has been lacking with EHPHA in the past thus creating an effective healthcare system with the right dynamics of operation is the key element of progress and stability,” Dr Apa said.

“If we have the right model of service delivery and finances from the different organizations and we manage prudently at our level, we will set an effective health care system that produces better health outcome.”
EHPHA Board Members

He said the EHPHA board’s primary responsibility is to ensure that good governance principles and practices are upheld at all levels of the organization.

Dr Apa added that with this understanding the board and management will create a good environment for the health institution in the provinces and fulfill its functions effectively.”

Saturday 1 June 2019

PNGTPA announces Example as its marketing agent in Aus/NZ

Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (PNGTPA), the statutory body wholly funded by the Government of Papua New Guinea responsible for the promotion of PNG as a desirable travel destination, has announced the appointment of Example to represent the country within the Australian and New Zealand markets.
Image result for papua new guinea tourism logo
Example, a Sydney-based communications agency that specializes in hospitality, travel and lifestyle, will be handling all public,  trade relations and marketing for the PNG Tourism Authority, focusing on driving increased visitation from Australia and New Zealand.

Working closely with the travel trade and consumer media, Example will create story-telling moments and experiences in order to educate travelers of Papua New Guinea’s diverse culture and showcase PNG as a must-visit destination.

The announcement follows a competitive tender process and sees Andrew Cavallaro, Example’s Head of Marketing, reinstated as AU/NZ lead for the tourism board, following his previous tenure in the role between 2014 – 2016.

“Australia is PNG’s most important source market for visitors. We are excited to grow our Australian and New Zealand arrivals and work with Example to spread the word of the beautiful islands and mountainous regions PNG has to offer, as well as the incredible cultural and adventure travel experiences throughout the country”, says Kennedy Wenge, PNGTPA’s Board Chairman.

Mr Wenge said the PNG TPA Board was excited about Example marketing and promoting Papua New Guinea Tourism in Australia and New Zealand. 

“Andrew passionately leads the charge promoting Papua New Guinea and we’re looking forward to having him back at the helm, working alongside Example’s impressive PR and marketing team”, added Mr Wenge.

“We are thrilled to have been appointed, and I am excited to be promoting PNG once again to Australians and New Zealanders”, says Andrew Cavallaro, Example’s Head of Marketing.

“Papua New Guinea is an incredibly diverse country, but one that is lesser known to Aussies and Kiwis. We’re looking forward to shining a spotlight on our closest neighbour and showing everyone how special PNG is.”

Example commences work with PNGTPA on 1 June 2019, with further exciting announcements to be made shortly.

Criteria for pap smear