Showing posts with label NCDC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NCDC. Show all posts

Monday 12 April 2021

The 'stress drive up' drive in Port Moresby

 I have lived for two years in this part of the city and I walk, sometimes drive up this road leading to Garden Hills Estate in Port Moresby.

Well this stretch of road is one of a "stress drive up" part of Port Moresby.

The road leading to Waigani Drive from Garden Hills Estate

Why do I say this?

The informal sector vendors mainly from the settlement on the right side of this picture sell their betel nut, cigarettes and food on the sides of this stretch of road.

While I do appreciate them trying to make ends meet, the set up and operations are not too well organised.

People are just every where, most times they care little about traffic on the road.

Few times drunks just stagger around with their homebrews, cigarettes and boom boxes.

But the worst one is cars parking on wrong sides of the road to buy betel nut causing unnecessary traffic jams.

A car travelling down from Garden Hills will park and the driver leisurely inconsiderate buys betel nut from a vendor on the right side of the road.

An oncoming car from Waigani Drive would not be able to pass through because this car is in the way.

A car that travels up from Waigani Drive parks on the right side of the road and this blocks the cars travelling down from Garden Hills. 

Some of the worst offenders are taxis.

Seriously they will show no sign of guilt.

They can just have their doors open and look at you struggling to go forward as if you were wrong.

Well these are not the only challenges. A compounding issue is you have crater like pot holes on this street.

Particularly when there's a downpour, this pot holes are so exposed.

Some are pretty deep.

The funny thing though and I think the National Capital District Commission should inquire into this and call for quality jobs for money paid.

Contractors who patch these pot holes for many times I have observed have done a poor job.

 Many high tax payers  live up this road and they deserve better from the municipal authority. 

These patches do not last.

A next downpour just washes them away.

The illegal road patchers then bring their expertise. They use their spades to temporarily poor soil on the pot holes and illegally force cars to pay them a few kina.

There are about six big pot holes that need to be attended to as soon as possible.

One is near Moni Plus.

Sharing all these, I appeal to road users to be considerate and do not park in the way of oncoming traffic.

A quick stop of 30 seconds is fine. There is just too many cars so it's unfair to take long.

Please fix the pot holes and they last so we can enjoy a good drive up and down.

Criteria for pap smear