Showing posts with label Gilbert Toropo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gilbert Toropo. Show all posts

Monday 20 December 2021

Major General Gilbert Toropo to be High Commissioner to New Zealand


Swift changes before the Papua New Guinea National General Elections in 2022, the PNG Cabinet has revoked the appointment of Major General Gilbert Toropo as head of the PNG Defence Force.

He has however been appointed as the new High Commissioner to New Zealand replacing former commander Francis Agwi.

Defence Minister Hon Solan Mirisim issued a statement today about the changes saying the Defence Council made recommendations to the National Executive Council.

PNG Cabinet has revoked the appointment of PNG Defence Commander, Major-General Gilbert Toropo and replaced him with Colonel Mark Goina.

Toropo's term of appointment would expire in June 2022 which would be in the period of the National General Elections and he would have already reached the retirement age of 60 by April 2022.

In considering these factors Mirisim said : "Upon carefully consideration of the expiration of the Contract of Employment of the CDF in the middle of the 2022 National General Election, the Defence Council made necessary orders to retire the Commander." 

“Finally, the Defence Council has recommended to NEC to approve and promote Colonel Mark Goina as Brigadier General of the PNG Defence Force and promote Colonel Goina as Major General and Commander of the PNG Defence Force for a period of four years effective on and from the date of the gazettal appointment."

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