Friday 23 February 2024

Court dismisses former Simbu Provincial Administrator for judicial review

Former Simbu Provincial Administrator Michael Temai's bid seeking judicial review to reinstate him as administrator was not recognised by the Waigani National Court.

Justice Oagile Dingake this afternoon dismissed his proceeding against the Simbu Provincial Executive, the National Executive Council and others.

Justice Dingake said the aggrieved Temai did not have the legal standing to pursue his case.

Temai filed his judicial review when his contract had already been revoked in June 2022 therefore he did not have standing.

There were preliminary issues raised during trial by the defendants and among them were that Temai filed his judicial review out of time and he should have filed by way of a writ of summons.

Justice Dingake has advised Temai to file his proceeding through a writ of summons.

Temai was appointed as the provincial administrator for a period of four years  and was suspended on May 2021.

His appointment was later revoked about 12 months later.

Temai had primarily filed proceedings arguing  there was unreasonable breach of natural justice.

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