Monday 31 October 2022

Police retrieve dead corpse of missing policeman

 Manning calls for calm following death of Senior Constable Nelson Kalimda – Warns suspects not to resist


Sunday October 30, 2022

Following confirmation that the body retrieved in Magarima, Hela Province, is that of Senior Constable Nelson Kalimda, Commissioner of Police David Manning has called for calm amongst police personnel and their families as those responsible are arrested.

Police Commissioner David Manning

“Now is the time that the country needs our disciplined forces to show restraint and calm as we deal with the death of Senior Constable Nelson Kalimda,” Commissioner Manning said this evening during a media conference at the National Police Headquarters. The conference was held after senior officers visited the family of the late constable to inform them of the death of their husband and father.

“I appeal for calm, and to put off any response or protest action, because nothing will be achieved from more violence.

“I am appealing to, and I am directing, all uniformed personnel to show restraint and let the law take its course.

“I share your pain, and the pain of Senior Constable Kalimda’s family, and I am as angry as every other man and woman in our uniform over what has happened to our brother.

“Ours is a dangerous profession that is not free from risk, and our police men and women face threats every day they go to work.

“That we confront these risks does not make it any easier to deal with the grief we face, but it reminds us that we lead by example and use the law to bring enemies of the people to justice,” Mr Manning said.

Commissioner Manning said investigations are being led by some of the most capable officers in the Police Force to bring swift justice upon those involved in the death of Senior Constable Kalimda.

“I issue a clear warning to anyone involved with Senior Constable Kalimda’s death, to not resist arrest when police catch up with them.

“If these suspects threaten police with weapons, our police personnel have full authority to escalate the use of force and to use all appropriate means necessary to take control of the situation.

“Police have made two arrests so far and there are four other persons of interest that are the subject of an ongoing search.

“On behalf of all police and our families, my direction to investigating officers is clear, to go and find the culprits and bring them in using every means at your disposal because the weight of the law and the will of the people is on your side,” Mr Manning said.

Commissioner Manning said Hela Governor, Philip Undialu, has supported the search with provincial resources, alongside community leaders with their knowledge at the local level, and all of these efforts have been most valuable in supporting police action.

Photograph and caption: Police Commissioner David Manning at the media conference. Far right is Chief of Staff, Commander Stephen Francis.

Sunday 30 October 2022

PNG Literature : A readers review by Dr Joseph Ketan

Disclaimer; This is a repost for public knowledge to promote Literature in PNG

By Dr Joseph Ketan

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the works of some great PNG writers and would like to see their works translated into plain language for the ordinary reader. Unlike journalists, professionals in other disciplines do not have the training to write in simple English.

There are, however, notable exceptions. In law, my favourite writers were Peter Donigi, Chronox Manek, Anthony Deklin and John Nonggorr. The best, in my view, was Peter Pena, a man who could explain the law in simple English. Pena and Manek were great law salesmen. Deklin writes coherently in an accessible style, but he often picks on wrong issues for wrong audiences and gets himself into trouble with his readers. Lawrence Kalinoe and Eric Kwa, both great legal scholars, saw no reason to venture out of their comfort zones, sticking to legal reforms. I like the way John Kwimb writes, but we have not seen enough of it from him, as he pursues his political advisory role. Keep an eye out for Stanley Liria, a published lawyer, who has developed a passion for writing about legal issues from a local perspective. There is a star in Bal Kama, a practicing lawyer and academic in Canberra. He learnt his craft from the great Bill Standish. Kama explains law and politics in language that even grandma in the Wahgi Valley would understand.

In academia, I still like the great literature pairing of Russell Soaba and Steven Winduo. Yes, I know they sometimes get swamped in parochialism, but in literature, as in political science, local issues form the core business of writing. The bright star at UPNG has to be Lawrence Sause, who writes with wit and rare intelligence. We have not seen enough of it, but he will hopefully get around to connecting with the people who mater most in this country – the ordinary Papua New Guinean. For the future, look out for Michael Kabuni, a young political scientist, who is writing selecting his topics with great care and will get much better with experience.

In the public domain, I would go for Wilson Punim any time. This man is simply brilliant. In the true style of the literary pundit, or wordsmith, Punim writes with a burning passion, describing love and life in language that resonates life in contemporary villages and towns of Papua New Guinea. Using wit and metaphorical language, in the genre of the Hagen veiled speech style, Wilson exhibits all the core elements of a great story teller of our times. I would like to see his stories published in a book. The Institute of PNG Studies or the Institute of the Pacific Studies at USP in Suva would be ideal places to publish this kind of writing. The future looks bright for literature lovers. There are some really good writers coming through. There is a young man from DWU who is making his mark in the social media. His name is Duncan Gabi. Budding writers like Gabi need to be nurtured in an environment like the late 1970s Institute of PNG Studies and mentored by a new Uli Bier.

In journalism, there are many fine writers. I am a fan of Frank Senge Kolma and Daniel Korimbao. They lead a group of great writers in Ana Solomon, Harlyn Joku, Sinclair Solomon, Patrick Big Pat Levo, and others. The intent to entertain and to inform is always present in the writings of good journalists. I understand that we have lost the good ones to politicians, but there are some good ones coming along.

Papua New Guineans, like Africans, are always quick to take advantage of technological innovations. The digicel revolution is responsible for taking mobile phones to all corners of the country now. This has given us the opportunity to communicate effectively with the rest of the world. Unlike the con men and con women of Nigeria who use deception to steal money from gullible people across the world, Papua New Guineas are essentially warm and caring people who use the social media to build social networks rather than exploiting people. There are, however, occasional outrageous publications of brutality and obscenity.

The fun and humour in the PNG social media is healthy for the mind. Here, I wish to send my best wishes to the man in Rainy Lae, Alphonse Kapi Malipu, for entertaining us with witty messages. Kaim, I loved the one about “the horny young girls with their puffed up pride”. I hope our daughters did not take offence, taking your message for exactly what it was: dry humour. I love the rebuttals from Andrew Nagari. These two brothers of mine from Engaland make life worth living.

Monday 10 October 2022

Port Moresby Police quell tribal figjht in the city but two were killed

 09th Sunday October 2022.

Police Media Statement 

NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Gideon Ikumu said two people were  reportedly killed in a fight between the Helas and Eastern highlanders in Erima today (Sunday)

Police Media Pic
Police Media Pic

Mr Ikumu said, the two groups mobilized and exchanged projectiles resulting  in some injuries, before police intervened and stopped the fighting.

 He said the NCD Homicide unit is now investigating these reported killings but the community leaders must also step in to assist the police in their investigations.

Police Media Pic

Mr Ikumu said the leaders on both sides of the conflict must identify the suspects involved in the killings and bring them to the police.

The Metsup and his men spoke to the Helas underneath the  Kookaburra Fly over before meeting up with the Marawaka community at Erima Mambu settlement today.  

In these meetings, the Metsup appealed for calm and said the police will do everything within its means to stop the fight from re-occurring.

What's good Kina boy?