Friday 17 September 2021

West Sepik rural communities missing out on news and information

 It should be a matter of urgency that the Sandaun Provincial Government seriously considers the plight of our rural communities like the ones in the picture at Wanipe, Magleri.

They and many other rural communities do not receive news and information from NBC Sandaun, a newspaper or through the internet.

Facts: NBC Sandaun does not reach them. Their access to mobile communication is absolutely terrible.

So how could they participate in business or trade and ultimately know what happens around them and globally on a daily basis.

Post unavailability of SW radio transmission through the NBC, our people have regrettably accepted this regression to 'stone age'.

They only enjoy boombox and music powered by portable mini solar chargers.


Install communication towers that they can have access to reliable voice and data for Internet and through the Internet they can have access to radio as well via an app

Many people in these communities have smart phones and the 'Wan Bang' ones. Telecommunication companies would certainly make money.

Install Digicel Play discs at every ward (community owned and managed by ward councilors) to be powered by solar and people have access to watching TV news and programs. This would be cheaper to roll out but logistics may triple the cost of set up

Establish a weekly provincial newspaper that captures content that is relevant to the province and distribute across. Logging roads have opened up access to travel across the once sparsely populated and dense virgin forest. 

The newspaper can be printed in Jayapura when the borders open. I suggest we call it the Sandaun Mail.

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