Monday 18 May 2020

Making K6,000 from K10 in a week

Twenty-one students from the Human Development Institute (HDI) in Port Moresby graduated last Friday.

Among them was Elizabeth Wippon and her daughters.

She was the dux being able to make K6,000 in a week. That was more than the target of K1,000 set.

HDI founder Dr Samuel Tam commonly known as ‘Papa Sam’ by many of the grassroots people in Papua New Guinea revealed that the students also referred to as  praxis at HDI were thought how to start with K10 to make K1000 in a week.

For Elizabeth, she started by buying greens worth K5 each.

She cut them into halves and sold them.

Then she repeated the process which they called “rolling over” for a couple of times and then later she decided to buy garden produce to make K100 dishes.

She sold the dishes through her church contacts. That was how she made  K6000 in less than seven days.

Ten students from the 21 who graduated reached the target of K1000 in a week.

HDI is a training centre that offers empowerment through financial awareness and training to empower Papua New Guineas from the grassroots level up to be viable and live better lives.

There are seven levels of training and development offered by the institution known as Personal Viability Business Scheme. The graduates were from the second level of training.

Papa Sam said: “The use of money is what HDI calls business-class-knowledge, which is experiential knowledge in the use of money and resources.”

“Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) will definitely become richer if they learn and use HDI’s business-class-knowledge which has been proven by the graduates,” Papa Sam said.

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