Thursday 30 May 2019

Sir Julius Chan makes a statement in PNG Parliament

New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan makes a statement in PNG Parliament on May 29, 2019. It was during the resignation of Peter O'Neill as Prime Minister

My friends, I just want to say a few words today. 

I have been part of the politics of this country for more years than this country has existed.  I have seen times of crisis, times of danger, times of peril.  But in my more than 50 years of politics I have never seen the kind of hostility, the kind of division, the kind of – and I must use the word – the kind of hatred I have seen in the past weeks. 

That is why – three days ago – I went to see the Prime Minister.  And I talked frankly to him.  I said I felt that the longer he tried to stay in office the more the country would become divided.  And as a friend I suggested that the thing that he could do at this time to show his love for his country was to step aside. 

Peter O’Neill heard what I was saying.  And he agreed to step aside. 

I think we can learn from Peter O’Neill.  Let us put away self-interest.  Let us put away greed.  Let us put away anger.  Because, my friends, we have made a horrible mistake. 

We have fooled ourselves into thinking that Government and Opposition are enemies.  They are not.
Sir Julius Chan makes the statement in Parliament

 We have enemies, but the enemies are those who would divide us, those who would have us attack and slander each other.  And in doing so they prevent us from dealing with the real problems our country faces.  And believe me, we have serious problems we all need to deal with.

A wise man once said “There is no sea more dangerous than the ocean of politics.  And it is when the waves rise to their highest that there is the greatest need of an experienced captain, a good crew, and of a single, unfaltering purpose. “

So today let us act as adults.  Today let us declare ours is not a Government of any one party, or of three or four or five parties.  No…

Today let us declare our Government is a UNION of Papua New Guinea PATRIOTS.   Today let us agree that we will ALL WORK TOGETHER – as Patriots of Papua New Guinea – to take control of our country – to take our country back!! 

Today we can take the first step.  Today we can work together – TOGETHER – to find a captain.  Peter O’Neill has opened a door for us.  Let us walk through. 

Let us all agree on an experienced captain to pilot the Ship of State into a truly prosperous future.  And let us all serve as a good crew, a united crew. A patriotic crew.

Together we can do this.  As Patriots.  As Papua New Guineans. 

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